Chapter Five

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sorry i took so long to update, i was just having family time. but here's a new chapter. Enjoy









Drake's POV

Koda's furry body laid next to mine, and I could hear her deep breathing. How could she ask that of me? As Alpha, I had choice on who I was with, not the werewolves around me. But how could I refuse her? Everyone in my pack expected us to be together anyways, and she was a wolf, whereas the woman I was truly interested in wasn't....

I movement in the trees caught my eyes. Skylie stepped from the tree, her eyes red with vamp tears. My ear perked towards her. She saw me staring and met my gaze. Oh, no. Her eyes were hallow. I saw no life there. What was going on? Making sure not to wake Koda, I stood and rushed to her. She stared down at me until we were eye level as I shifted back to human.

"Skylie?" I said softly. She gave no reaction.

"I'm going back." I balked.


"Back to my people. If they kill me, that's their choice."

What made her lose her will to live?

"No, Skylie, stay here, with us." I watched as anger colored her face.

"Why?" she burst. "You have her, that back stabing wolf. Hope you enjoy your self. Maybe you two will get lucky, maybe she's your true mate and produce pups for you!" Sky took a deep breath, calming her self. "But as for me, I'm returning to my people." When she spun to leave, my hand automatically reached out for her shoulder.

She flung around

"What do you want from me!?" she demanded. I shoved her against the near by tree, out faces inches apart. My eyes dropped to her lips, and I herd her swallow. Leaning down, I softly kissed her. The second our tongues touched, she came alive. The kiss went from soft to rough and almost animalistic. Her taste could drown me....

Sky pulled back, leaning her head against the tree. I rested my fore head on her shoulder.

"Skylie, I don't want Koda. She's not who I care for. I want you, ALL of you. Vampire or not." I looked into her eyes, glad to see them full of her firey spark.

"Then what are you going to do? She wants you, and is probably prepared to do whatever it takes," Sky said, speaking nothing but the trust.

"I know." Something tightened in her eyes, and she nodded.

"I know what I have to do."


Skylie's POV

Koda woke the instant my scent found her. Her keen wolf eyes spotted Drake aproaching behind me.

"What is this about?" she demanded, her voice almost bored. A growl left my lips. Koda flew to her feet, growling back. "Are you here to kill me, vampire?" Other wolves who happened to be around were watching us. I shook my head.

"I'm only here to stake a claim."

"You cannot claim anything here! You're not a wolf!"

"But I am apart of this pack. It was decided the moment I began killing my kind along side wolves," I reminded her. She looked pissed now. "I am here to fight you over-"

"Drake, right?" She barked her laugh. "Please, I'll kill you for him. This way I can rid him of what makes him a weak Alpha." I couldn't stop my self. Before she could react, I was on her, my nails ripping thorugh her fur. A huge grey wolf sat next to Drake. The former Alpha. He would decided who won.

Koda's teeth ripped through the skin on my shoulder. I hissed in pain, but fought past it. My fist connected with her jawm causing it to snap back as she feel from me. Her wolf body shrank away, leaving her human.

"Fine, I'll kill you in this form!" She rushed at me, using her hard werewolf nials as weapons. As she sliced at me, I knew she had no experience fighting as a human. I straightened my fingers. I knew how to use my nails as weapons, whereas she was just trying to figure out how to use them. I spun away from her slow cutting jab, cutting through her back with my claws.

She screeched in pain, falling to her knees. I didn't rush in for the kill, though. This was exhillerating. She shoved off her knees, running at me. Meeting her head on, I grabbed her shoulders, tensed my muscles, and tossed her. She landed in heap, but still atepmted to stand. I chuckled. Koda really couldn't handle losing to me.

I held out my hand, motioning for her to come at me again. Using werewolf speed I didn't expect, next thing I knew her nails were deep in my side. I dropped to a knee.

"Looks like... I won," she panted. My eyes closed for a second and the gournd rushed at me. The blood was gushing from me, but I could not give us. She was a low life werewolf. She could NOT have everything she wanted. Sucking in a deep breath, I pushed to my feet slowly. Her eyes grew wide. "How aren't you dead?!"

I regained my fighting stance, waiting. She snickered.

"Guess I could play some more, seeing as how you'll die anyways." LIttle did she know about vampires. I could bleed and bleed, but it would take the amount of three human's blood for me to actually die. Don't know what, but yeah. Worked for me.  Throwing my self forward, I caught her off guard.

Koda stumbled to the ground. I landed on top of her, using my weight to keep her down. I gripped her throat, and squeezed.

"That's enough!" an ancient voice howled. "Skylie, you win." It took a second before I released Koda. Her eyes rolled back wards, and I knew she wouldn't wake for a long time. Drake pulled me into his arms, lifted me.

"I win," I whispered, closing my eyes. He kissed my forehead.

"Yes, you won, which means you staked your claim." My eyes flew open. "I am yours."

"Mine," I breahted, then sank under into sleep.


Hope you liked it!!! the next chapter might be posted later today, or tomorrow. =)

Tell me, did you like the fight scene?


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