Tianlang-Jun is here!

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Actually it was that big of a deal, just Xue "Poisonous Needle Farmer" Yang suddenly had a very brilliant idea. Without missing any second he started to take out a clean pot, some poisonous herbs and test needles he made.

He concocted a paralyzing poison with a delayed effect, applied it to the needles, and allowed them to simmer for 30 minutes. If you're wondering why he chose a paralyzing poison instead of a just paralyzing powder, it's because Xue Yang wanted to ensure that the affected duo wouldn't immediately detect it due to the slow-reacting nature of the poison. Additionally, Xue Yang possesses the antidote for whichever poison he uses.

Courtesy of Shen Jiu, Seeing as Xue Yang was interested in the poison, Shen Jiu gave all the cure poison antidotes.

After ensuring the needles had been thoroughly boiled, he retrieved a specially prepared chopstick and delicately removed them from the pot, placing them on a clean cloth to cool. Once cooled, he affixed some brown thick but thin cloth on the non sharp side handles to the needles. After a few minutes of preparation, he was ready to carry out the experiment.
With slow steps, Xue Yang approached Wen Yi, cradling a small silver plate laden with needles. Seating himself beside Wen Yi, he set the plate down within easy reach. Gently, he pushed aside the fabric to expose Wen Yi's arms. As the hands became visible, he selected a needle and applied it to the acupuncture point. With each insertion, a small, sinister chuckle escaped from him.

After he finished planting the needles on the both arms of Wen Yi, he went to Wei Ying's side and repeated what he exactly did with Wen Yi. Just as he finished putting all the needles on Wei Ying stirred awake.

Wei Ying was greeted by Xue Yang's smiling face, the first thing he saw upon regaining consciousness.

Back to the current situation.

Xue Yang dragged the paralyzed duo and put them in the seat he had already prepared. Knowing this would happen, Xue Yang poured tea for himself then he told Wei Ying calmly. "Now, now don't be angry! Didn't you expect it to happen??"

Xue Yang could see that Wei Ying wanted to roll his eyes but couldn't due to the paralyzing effect that prevented him from doing so. Xue Yang has known Wei Ying for two lifetimes, so it was easy for him or Wei YIng to understand each other without saying anything. Xue Yang said to Wei Ying. "It wasn't on purpose!"

"I just wanted to see if I could combine slow reacting poison and paralyzing medicine. Which worked quite well." -Xue Yang happily said, he had succeeded in his experiment on his first try.

"Of course, you want the recipe too! Well, since I'm feeling generous today, I'll give you and Wen-dage the recipe this time without condition. But, you've got to pardon me for the needle stunt, alright?" Xue Yang rolled his eyes, a glint of mischief unmistakable.

Wen Yi silently (well, he was paralyzed so he could only stay silent!) observed the interaction between his two younger brothers. Impressive, he realized they could communicate without uttering a word to each other.

"Hmm, one minute, be patient, it will lose its effect in one minute." Xue Yang said as he waved his hand dismissively with an unbothered attitude. "You want, what now? No way that can't be done! If Jiu-ge finds out we will be dead ass!"

Jiu-ge won't find out if we keep our mouth shut! -Wei ying's eyes were telling this to Xue Yang who rolled his eyes again. "Are stupid! He will, do you not remember what happened when he found out!  If Jiu-ge catches wind of it, we're as good as done for, we'll be sent off earlier than planned on our journey, ah. I still want to spend more time with Jiu-ge! Before leaving"

Right then let's forget about that. Wei Ying disappointedly, Xue Yang stared at him for a sec, before lowering his head. "I mean, we could do that once we leave tho."

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