Chapter 3: Shifu, shibo and sixiong!

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In the midst of their heartfelt reunion, Jiu'er excitedly recounted his plans and the places he intended to visit during his journey. He spoke with fervor and enthusiasm, describing the adventures he had in mind.

However, as he continued sharing his dreams, Jiu'er's tone shifted, revealing a hint of longing and disappointment. He couldn't help but express his deepest wish. "A'die, can't you come with me?" His voice held a touch of hope, and the innocent request tugged at He Mingxin's heartstrings. Shen Jiu's cuteness was irresistible, and He Mingxin couldn't help but feel the depth of his son's desire.

He Mingxin felt an arrow of guilt pierce his heart. He knew that, as the Peak Lord of Qing Jing Peak, he couldn't simply leave the sect, even though he longed to be by his son's side. He winced, clutching his robes near his heart, torn between his responsibilities to the sect and his paternal love.

With a soft smile, He Mingxin reassured his son, "This father will find a way to go with you, Jiu'er. You won't be alone on your journey."

Shen Jiu's eyes widened in surprise, his voice filled with concern. "But, a'die, you can't leave the sect. What about your duties?"

He Mingxin chuckled softly and gently caressed his son's cheek. "Don't worry, my clever Jiu'er. We'll find a way, and I promise, we will travel together. I can't bear to let you go on this journey alone."

He Mingxin narrowed his eyebrows for a moment before deciding to throw his responsibility to his head disciple Wen Yi who likes to take his fruit flavored tea. Wen Yi, who was not really stealing his master's fruity tea, suddenly shuddered. As for his lover, meh it should be enough with just sending him a letter!

Shen Jiu, who succeeded in stealing his a-die from the sect, smiled happily.

A scheming father and a peak lord stealing son happily smiled at each other unknown to their little scheme.

The next day, the sect head discovered a letter on his desk. As he opened it and began to read, his heart sank. It was a farewell letter from his lover, the Peak Lord of Qing Jing Peak, explaining his sudden decision to take a vacation. The letter revealed that he was delegating his responsibilities to his head disciple, Wen Yi, to temporarily oversee the affairs of the sect in his absence.

While the letter provided an explanation for the unexpected departure, the sect head couldn't help but feel a mixture of surprise and concern. He had not anticipated his lover's need for a vacation or the sudden shift in responsibilities. As he read the letter in its entirety, the sect head was left with a sense of longing and a touch of sadness at the prospect of their separation. Yet, he understood the importance of his lover's need for a break and respected his decision. The sect head knew that the responsibilities of their positions often demanded difficult choices, and he hoped that his lover would return refreshed and revitalized from his vacation, ready to continue their shared journey in the sect.

Let's be honest the sect leader had misunderstood the meaning of the letter or He Mingxin was just too good at guilt tripping someone.

Wasn't it just that he wanted to travel around the world with his son?


After five wonderful years of traveling together, He Mingxin and his beloved son, Shen Jiu, had explored various parts of the world and created countless cherished memories. Their journey had strengthened their bond and allowed them to enjoy a life of freedom and adventure.

However, their tranquil and harmonious existence was disrupted when He Mingxin's lover, the sect leader, came to find him. Reluctantly, he had to return to the Cang Qing sect, a place he had left behind for the sake of his son. Their separation was a bittersweet moment, with the promise of a joyful reunion once more hidden in the future. While the responsibilities of the sect called He Mingxin back, the love and memories he had shared with Shen Jiu during their travels remained in their hearts, a source of solace and hope for the future.

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