Chapter 2: Past and Future!

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The Cang Qiong mountain sect's head disciples woke up with a start, gasping for air, their hearts pounding with confusion and fear. When they looked around, they were startled to see their shifus sitting calmly, sipping tea. What bewildered them even more was that their shifus appeared to be much younger than they remembered. Hadn't their shifus already ascended? What was happening?

The sect head, in his usual gentle tone, spoke up. "Finally, you all woke up! You've been unconscious for a day."

This only deepened their confusion. They remembered their deaths and the events involving Shen QingQiu. Liu Qingge couldn't contain his anxiety and frustration. He got up from his bed, rushed to Yue Qingyuan, and grabbed him by the shoulders, demanding to know, "Where is Shen Qingqiu?"

Yue Qingyuan remained silent, leaving Liu Qingge even more distressed. He turned to Shen Jiu, his former shifu, and pleaded, "Shen shishu, where is Shen-shixiong?"

The other peak lords were perplexed by Liu Qingge's questions and turned to the Qing Jing peak lord for answers. "Do you have a disciple surnamed Shen?"

The Qing Jing peak lord shook his head, his confusion evident. This response left Liu Qingge devastated, and he fell to his knees, overcome with sorrow. The younger disciples looked on, a mix of anger and confusion in their eyes, while others were baffled by the entire situation.

Qi Qingqi, unable to contain her frustration, stood up from her bed and shouted angrily, "Why are you searching for that ungrateful bastard? He murdered you!"

Hearing her words, the room fell into an uneasy silence. Liu Qingge's reaction was swift and aggressive. He grabbed Qi Qingqi's throat, tightening his grip, and retorted, "I dare you to say that again! He saved me!"

Qi Qingqi struggled to speak but couldn't due to Liu Qingge's hold. Her master intervened swiftly, sending Liu Qingge to his master.

Liu Qingge's master gently lowered him to the ground, and Liu Qingge, now on his knees, couldn't hold back the tears. He turned to his shifu and expressed his remorse, "Shifu, I have wronged my shixiong without investigating the truth. I was too blind to see the truth until it was too late."

Everyone in the room watched as the typically stern and unyielding Liu Qingge shed tears and offered a heartfelt apology. Then suddenly Liu Qingge tried to get up with a dark and cold face as he gritted his teeth. "Liu Mingyu! That bitch! Today I shall teach you a lesson for your stupidity!"

Alright that was shocking to hear usually siscon to harshly say her name not to mention cruise her. Liu Qingge was harshly hit by his master, that made him calm down and sat down on the floor.

"Liu-shidi-" Mu Qingfang softly called for Liu Qingge but only to be glared at.

"Why are you defending him!!" Wei Qingwei asked furiously, one could see his face dark.

"I was there! I watched everything!" Liu Qingge replied, his voice filled with the weight of his own regret, making those present flinch.

In response, Bai Qingping disdainful scoff resonated in the room, drawing everyone's attention to him. He slowly raised his eyes to meet Liu Qingge's, his words laced with mockery. "Only now do you care? Don't make me laugh!"

Qian Qinghui offered some comfort by patting Bai Qingping's shoulder, causing the latter to jump in surprise. "Ahh! Qinghui!! Stop that," Bai Qingping scolded him, his nerves clearly on edge.

Qian Qinghui shrugged and replied, "It's not my fault that you can't sense my presence approaching."

"Nonsense! Only Qingqi can do that!" Bai Qingping retorted, fishing out a bottle of alcohol from who knows where, seeking solace in its familiar warmth amidst the confusing and tense atmosphere. Li Qinghan quietly observed without interacting although it was Qian Qinghui's job to quietly observe. Li Qinghan decided to steal his duty just today to see who he shall go easy on and who he shouldn't. Until this day he hadn't thought or imagined that he would think of making someone's life hard.

Shen Jiu's journey to other dimensionsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin