a man ones told me

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a man ones called me selfish for not wanting children
but when I asked him why he wanted children he said that he loves  kids and would expect his wife to take care of them.

I wouldn't cause I would like to have a career and I think kids deserve parents who want them.
I would also like for my kids to have a father who is present in their life. I think kids should be raised by two parents. Not saying that this man wouldn't want to raise a kid but I simply couldn't picture staying home for 12 years and taking care of everything while he's at work. I'm afraid to not be a good mum. I was depressed and stressed  as a teenager and wouldn't want to see anyone else going through the same struggle. I would be afraid to pass on certain deseases. Cancer  and depression runs in my family.
So no I don't want children but I don't for the right reasons. Call it selfish. When  a woman doesn't want to  push a baby out of her uterus and dedicating her whole life to that tiny little human being while you just see the kid for 20 minutes before bed time. Sure. I'm the selfish one. Selfish for being reflecting. For thinking about if I could even be a good mum and give a kid what it deserves. For being afraid and reasonable that I might struggle with this important task. For thinking that I might not be happy playing, drawing and baking all day and for thinking that a kid should be happy, loved and worry free.
I'm not saying that I'll never  change my opinion on this matter but I know what it means to have kids and I'll always reflect what is best for them and what I'll be able to do. Mentally and physically.

Sure men don't have to go through postpartum depression and the fact that their whole body is changing. They can go back to work and play with their kid on the weekends.
I don't wanna be a mum but I would want to be father too.

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