Start from the beginning

"Mommy we talking about how Meer got a new girlfriend and I think she's nice cause Meer was smiling at his phone and stuff!" Jamie told it all. "Meer got a girlfrennnn, Niya got a boyfrennnn. They can have double date—"

"Janiya got a what?" Their dad instantly turned around, looking at his daughter with his face scrunched up.

"No I don't daddy she lyin!" Janiya quickly said but her dad wasn't buying it and she could tell by the look on his face. "I don't have a boyfriend daddy, she's lying!"

"Why would she lie? Jamie, you lying?" He looked at his youngest.

Jahmeer chuckled while shaking his head, he was glad the attention wasn't on him.. or so he thought. He caught eye contact with his mom and instantly regretted it. "You have a girlfriend Jahmeer?"

"No mom," He shook his head. Sometimes he just wanted to strangle his loud mouth sisters, he wanted to tell his parents about Anija on his own. They literally just started talking. He mainly wanted to tell his dad first because he knew how his mom was about him dating after how his first real relationship went.

They soon got back to the house and everyone went in their rooms. Jahmeer started to get ready for his date, checking the time cautiously as he did so. It was 3 when he was done so he decided to call Anija to see if she was done too.

He dialed her number, calling her regularly instead of FaceTime because he'd rather see her in person first. The phone rang 3 times before he heard her voice. "I was just finna call you."

"Mhm, wassup? You ready?" He said.

"Yeah I'm ready. I should send you my address now?" She asked.

"Mhm.. I'm finna be on the way."

"Okay.." She said and he heard his phone vibrate, he pulled it away from his ear seeing she sent her address. "Aight ima see you in a lil."

"K, see yaa," She dragged and he chuckled before hanging up.

He looked over himself in the mirror once more before grabbing his keys off his dresser and walking out of his room, locking it like he always did. When he walked in the living room, he saw his dad sitting on the couch watching his football highlights on the TV making him smile.

"Dad," He called out making him look up.

"Wassup boy. You going out?" His father asked, pausing the video.

"Yup. Got me a lil date.." He trailed off making his dad smirk.

"So you do got you a lil girlfriend?"

"She not my girlfriend. Not yet at least," Jah shrugged.

"You like her?" His dad asked.

"Yeah I like her. Her name Anija, she a cheerleader and I got one class with her. We been talking for a couple weeks and she real sweet, always laughing and smiling. She got a sweet soul and I mess with it," He told his dad truthfully. "You know I usually don't take these females serious no more but sum different about her. It's like her aura just draws me to her or something.. ion know."

"And you only known her for two weeks?" His dad raised an eyebrow.

"No dad. I've been talking to her for two weeks. I met her at the first game. Why you say it like that?" Jah frowned.

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