Chapter 7: Search

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"We're here" Jane spoke, catching the attention of the others.

"Where exactly?"

"Our destination is to our left, two houses down. We're in that alley where Jeff got scratched by a stray that one time"

"Oh yeah, that place. Will you go in solo or do you want us to go with?" Scarlet asked, seeing as the other woman began to think. After a few seconds, she shook her head.

"I'll go alone. You stay here. If there's someone there and they find me, it'll be only me. If that happens, I'll...I'll send you the location or something, just so you know somethings up, okay?" Scarlet nodded, before the four of them slowly resurfaced.

It was dark out, and the alley was poorly lit, the smell of garbage hitting their noses almost immediately.

"I won't take long" and with that, she disappeared yet again.


Janes shadow made it's way through the dark parts of the sidewalk, quickly making her way to the front door of their house.

It went through a few changes in it's appearance.

The bushes at the front entrance began to wilt, since nobody took care of them.

The windows were boarded up, though the glass itself was in tact and the front door had police tape over it - but that was already hanging loosely on the sides.

'Someone was inside'

There were no cameras from what Jane could see either. Making her way around to the back entrance to the small backyard, which also looked unkept, she quietly resurfaced just enough to open the door, only to quickly hop into her shadow, waiting for any red flags - alarm, footsteps; anything.

But nothing happened.

No footsteps, no alarm.

'Did they give up on this house already?' Jane raised a brow, heading inside.

The place itself was unfortunately ransacked, as if a small storm came through.

Were the heroes trying to find something?

After scouting the dark area, the only source of light being the streaks coming in from the outside because of the streetlamps.

Since, again, she saw no cameras, she sighed as her body rose up, looking around with disappointment and annoyance.

"Who's gonna clean this mess...?"

Walking around, keeping an eye out for any traps/alarms that could've been set, she found nothing.

The house seemed to be clear.

For a temporary hideout, it would be perfect. And so, with a small grin of joy, she returned into her shadow, making her way back to the trio waiting for her.


One would be surprised by the way the word spreads in the Underground.

Ever since Shigaraki found out about the true identities of the group that had the nerve to mock the League of Villains; call them nothing - a knockoff, as Toga repeated the words; he urged Giran every single passing day to find them. It was like he thought of nothing much else for a few weeks after. He was stuck on the thought of revenge, it almost made some others actually worry.

But, no matter how much the man tried, he didn't find a single thing. Nowhere could he find a word, a mention, anything about their past nor present. Sure, pretty much everyone knew they were from America originally, this information being said in the Sports Tournament - that as well could've just been a well crafted disguise. Besides their full names and school, it's like they never existed.

Eventually, a week after their disappearance, Giran got a lead for their address.

But that place was empty.

No clothes, no personal belongings, no leads to their current location.


It's like the ground opened and swallowed them whole, not leaving a single trace behind.

Though the rage still lingered in Shigarakis mind, there were other things he had to keep tabs on, since his master got imprisoned.

However, just in case, he told Giran to be on the lookout for any information that might resurface.


The afternoon Overhaul stormed into the hideout, his face calm but the atmosphere around him anything but, the whole Shie Hassaikai knew something was terribly wrong.

An unfortunate low-life member crossed his path that day - let's say that even his mother wouldn't recognize him after; you wouldn't even think that pile was a human once.

Everyone was in high gear from that point on.

While their leader didn't show himself for a few days, his right hand man - Chronostasis, called a meeting with the Eight Bullets, explaining the situation to clear their confusion.

The word spread through the base like wildfire - that valuable girl escaped and somehow got into the hands of some black haired female villain with a scar and a kid in a pink dress.

The tensions were high - who knew what their leader would do next? Hell, he could kill them all in a fit of rage if he wanted.

The only good thing now was that he stayed in his room.

Nobody wanted to end up as a meat pile, afterall.


Overhaul knew that lashing out was not the greatest thing to do. He could tell the whole base was now on their toes, waiting for him to just kill everyone in a fit or rage.

However, he found that to be a very dumb idea - why destroy everything when he finally got his hands on the organisation? He's not stupid nor a short-tempered child.

While most of his underlings scurried around, terrified of what he would do to them if they cross paths with him as is, he sat behind his desk, searching, clinging to any lead on who that woman, or hell, even who that child could've been.

But he was coming out with nothing, which was odd.

Nowhere could he find a word about a villain looking like her. Surely one as boastful as her would have done at least one crime, no?

So why didn't her description match a single article or police file?!

It didn't take him long to realise that he needed someone much more skilled in finding out information in order to find this woman and her sister.

There was one name that came to mind - a man that had quite the reputation in the Underworld; weapons, illegal costumes - you name it, he probably has a connection to someone who has it. And what else? He's known for scouting potential villains.

A small smirk made it's way onto Overhauls hidden features.

Yes, Giran will be fit for the job nicely.

Those two would regret crossing him and taking away that girl. He'll just have to be patient.


The Reluctant Heroes  | ʙɴʜᴀ ⓧ ᴄʀᴇᴇᴘʏᴘᴀsᴛᴀ ᴄʀᴏssᴏᴠᴇʀ |Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat