"Megan," Jessica beams. She pulls me up from my chair, so I stand face-to-chest with Steven. He's so tall that I have to tilt my head back to look up at him. "This is my cousin, Steven. Steven, this is Megan, my best and most awesome friend. I have been dying for you two to meet finally."

My legs feel wobbly. I am awestruck. Steven is not what I expected. He is very tall, blue-eyed, and gorgeous. I am at a loss for words. Mostly because Jessica always referred to him as her nerdy cousin from Connecticut. She should have mentioned Steven is anything but nerdy. He's smartly dressed in a navy suit jacket, white shirt, and dark-wash jeans. His chin dimple is adorable, and his jaw is cut like steel. His blonde hair is entirely swept to the side and styled. When I inhale, I catch a whiff of him. I smell expensive body wash and 100% man.

He shakes my hand firmly. "It's nice to meet you. Jessica has always told me so many great things about you over the years." His smile is infectious. I can't help but smile back. "I have to say you are even more beautiful in person than you are in pictures."

"Pictures?" I laugh, curious. "How did you see my picture?"

"I showed him your Instagram account," Jessica says, smiling.

I blush, feeling so vulnerable that Jessica showed him my private Instagram account even though I hardly ever post pictures of myself. My feed is mostly food, real estate, and random photos with my friends. I wish she would have told me she showed him my account. I could have made sure I posted really, really good pictures of myself.

I pretend this doesn't make me feel nervous and smile again at Steven.

"So, I hear you're moving to Chicago," I say, remembering this is why Jessica decided to introduce us. He applied for a hospital transfer after a messy divorce. He moves to Chicago next week.

Steven smiles. "Yeah. I'm looking forward to living in the windy city. I could use a tour guide, though."

"If anyone knows Chicago, it's Megan," Jessica says. You two should set something up. Plus, Steven loves the Cubs, just like you. You should go to a game together. Don't you have season tickets?"

I nod, trying my best to poker face this situation like a champ. I do have season tickets with Ben. Cubs games are our thing, a tradition we've had since high school. We only give away each other's tickets after asking first. I feel sick at the thought of Ben sitting at the table, hearing Jessica suggest such a thing.

"Wow. You have season tickets?" Steven asks. "Of course, I'd love to see a game with you. But first, maybe we could get to know each other this week over a few casual drinks." He glares at Jessica. I can tell he is embarrassed. Jessica is always over the top. "I don't want to scare you, Megan. My crazy little cousin Jessica doesn't know boundaries."

Laughing, I say, "No, she doesn't."

Jessica frowns. "Excuse me for thinking you two are a perfect match. I'll stay out of it then."

Steven laughs, "Yes, please. You finally introduced us. I think we can manage."

"Fine," Jessica says. "I'll let you two get to know each other." She winks at us before she proceeds to walk over to Michael.

The loud rumble of a chair pushing backward startles me. I see Ben rising from his seat and tossing a napkin on his plate. "I think I'm going to bail on the beach. I'm going to call it a night," he says. He refuses to make eye contact with me and shoves his hands into his pockets. That was a bad idea. His jeans' waist slips lower, and his shirt's hem moves up. And when I see a slice of toned stomach and hipbone, my heart beats a little too quickly at the sight of my best friend's bare skin.

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