Chapter 17

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Eidalya had yet to stop shaking.

She remembered her limbs trembling this way when she learned Jon Arryn was dead. When she learned the war would begin. When she watched Oberyn die as it came to a close. She hated being out of control, she hated being helpless.

Robb was there to keep her from falling apart.

He held her arm as he pulled her from the room, Grey Wind nudging at Eidalya's leg begging for attention that she couldn't give with her hands clamped together. Lady Catelyn watched, perhaps wanting to pursue, perhaps wishing she had a direwolf of her own to pull Eidalya back and prevent her from leaving the room until her point was made.

"Here, sit," said Robb, reaching her room and beckoning her to take her usual spot by the window. Grey Wind nuzzled his head in her lap, pleased when she managed to caress his head, though she stared at Robb, lip trembling and trying not to cry. "What's the matter?"

"Forgive me," she murmured softly, forcing her hands to come up and wipe her eyes. It felt embarrassing to cry, it felt weak to be the one who needed support. "I'm upset by all of it, I didn't mean to be disrespectful to your mother, I only wanted to defend myself."

He knelt in front of her, tucking one hand under her chin and making her look at him. "I'm not angry with you. Never, never think such a thing. I never thought she'd approach you about the matter, I thought she would limit it to me. That was my mistake. You had every right to retort the way you did."

"What if she's right, Robb?" whispered Eidalya.

He shook his head. "That's what she wants us to think, she believes we're making a mistake but I know this is real. I meant what I said and I know you meant it too." He kissed her hand, "I love you and you love me. I am yours and you are mine. Why should anything get in the way of that? It won't happen again, I promise you."

She couldn't let it go, even with all her shaking she couldn't remove the lingering sensation of dread. "But what if we're wrong? What if this is going to do more harm than good? Robb, I cannot have you give up your crown for me, that's ridiculous. You cannot step down as King because of love. Handing over your crown will not stabilize the North, it'll make things worse. The people will have to adjust to a new King with no experience, and even if you legitimize Jon, we had already imagined Sansa would follow you in the future if you did not wish your heirs to succeed you. To push her aside would not be fair, to place this burden on Jon when he wants to be King even less than you, it isn't right. The Northern Crown shouldn't be something dropped around on people's laps because the previous owner found it inconvenient or frustrating. It's a lifelong commitment, or at least one meant to last until a better ruler is found. I wanted Jon brought here as Hand, not as King."

"I won't give up my Crown," promised Robb. "At least, I don't want to have to. I've grown used to it."

"Have you, Robb? You said... you said to her that you'd told her before and you'd tell her again that you'd give up your crown to be happy with me."

Robb sighed, nodding his head to admit it. "I did. I was upset about so many things at the time and it upset me again to see her trying to convince you. She knew I'd never budge with her words but perhaps thought she could guilt you into using yours against me. You helped me realize I had what it took to be a King and I wish to continue being so, with you at my side as my Queen, the Queen in the North. It's what we were meant to be. Together we started, together we will end all conflict and bring peace to our families. I won't set power aside, not unless it's the right thing to do for those we love. And even then, I know your brilliant mind would find a workaround. Tell me, please, what worries you? Why do you feel skeptical about the prospect of our marriage?"

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