Chapter 5

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Eidalya lacked sleep.

Robb's words could only do so much. The shame she felt, the stain that lingered like a disease over her body, could not be removed by a flood of tears or handkerchiefs. The evidence of her parents' sin would always remain, would always bother her.

(She held onto her handkerchief tightly, finding the lingering scent of soap. Robb had kept it, washed it, and given it back to her in a time when she needed it. And despite how disgusted he should be by her, he wasn't. He called her a Princess.)

He watched her hate herself for days. It wasn't right that she should suffer because of the twisted and depraved things that went on in the minds of Cersei and Jaime Lannister. Yet, he imagined how he'd feel if he found out such a thing. He understood why she felt like she wanted to isolate herself.

She buried herself in more books. She tuned out the conversations of others to prevent herself from hearing what the Northerners whispered about her. Robb had already threatened to cut out the tongues of anyone who spoke ill of the person helping them gain an advantage in this war. They didn't understand why he cared to defend her. She was the enemy, she was not meant to exist.

(Robb still wanted to marry her.)

"We've won every battle so far," said Eidalya quietly during the war council. "We've shattered two of my uncle's camps and any surviving men are likely on their way to join my grandfather or have already reached his army. No doubt he's reconsidering his position and that is why he's sent out scouts. Many of whom are sure to be captured."

Robb nodded to his guards, "Bring him in."

They dragged in a young man, vaguely familiar to Eidalya. "You're Ser Alton Lannister?" asked Robb.

"I am, Your Grace," said the man politely.

"I offer your cousins peace if they meet my terms," said Robb. "First, your family must release my sisters. Second, my father's bones must be returned to us so he may rest beside his brother and sister in the crypts beneath Winterfell. And the remains of all those who died in his service must also be returned. Their families can honor them with proper funerals."

"An honorable request, Your Grace," said Ser Alton.

"Third," added Robb, "Joffrey and the Queen Regent must renounce all claim to dominion of the North. From this time 'til the end of time, we are a free and independent kingdom."

"The King in the North!" chanted the men firmly.

Robb added, "Neither Joffrey nor any of his men shall set foot in our lands again. If he disregards this command, he shall suffer the same fate as my father. Only... I don't need a servant to do my beheading for me."

Ser Alton nodded wearily, "These are– Your Grace– these are–"

The King stood, "These are my terms. If the Queen Regent and her son meet them, I'll give them peace. If not, I will litter the South with Lannister dead."

"King Joffrey is a Baratheon, Your Grace," said Ser Alton quietly.

"Oh, is he?" He might've said more if Eidalya wasn't present. While she didn't care about Joffrey in the slightest, any insult about his parentage was an insult to her. "You'll ride at daybreak, Ser Alton." He nodded for the guards to take him away.

Once he exited, Eidalya cleared her throat and gave Robb a significant look. "Joffrey will not agree because he is stupid. My mother will not agree because she is stubborn. And both she and my grandfather will not agree because it means the Kingslayer remains captive." She drummed her fingers over the table, "It would ease their burden greatly to let the North be independent temporarily– with their end goal in mind being to eventually drag them back into the Seven Kingdoms. They could deal with the Baratheon forces and annihilate them.

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