The man nodded to his men and did nothing else. The simple movement caused them to jump from their horses and swarm on us, yanking me from my father. I screamed for him and fought as hard as I could, but it was useless when their grips were like clamps of steel.

They dragged him away, towards the general direction of our house. If they hurt him in the slightest way, I would ensure they knew just what the wildlife here was capable of.

"Calm down; we mean no harm. Your father is being taken back to your home, and I will assist you there after we have talked."

My head whipped in the direction of the voice and I yanked myself away from the men holding me. They let go after a moment, allowing me to put some distance between us. I considered running towards my father, but I knew I wouldn't make it far before they grabbed me once again.

"What do you want?" I asked shortly, crossing my arms, praying that the men truly wouldn't cause harm to my father.

He looked at me for a moment before taking off his helmet, revealing a head of blonde, almost white, hair. His mouth was set in a straight line, as emotionless as his eyes.

"We are in need of your assistance. You can help us willingly, or we can force you to help," he commanded and I laughed harshly. Threats were meaningless in the forest where the animals roamed. Here, I was the one in control.

"What can I offer you? I'm not familiar with anything but the forest and its life. I don't think I will be of much help," I explained, but deep down I knew it was futile. I knew why he was here and what he wanted from me. No one ever came through this forest, and certainly not guards.

His eyes flickered before he responded, "Are you not Rowan, Tamer of Animals? Are you not the one whispered about throughout the lands, the one people fear?"

I pursed my lips, looking at the trees around us. They were tall: their thick roots hugged the ground as they stretched towards the sky; their leaves snatched up the sun's rays. They had so much beauty, yet it seemed no one else saw it.

"If you were smart, you would fear me too," I finally replied, my eyes landing on the man.

From the corner of my eyes, I could see the others looking at one another, wondering if they had made a mistake. But the man didn't even flinch at my words.

"I'll tell you the details of what you are doing when we are closer to the castle. We have a long way to travel," he said, ignoring my words. Had he simply not heard me, or had something far worse been thrown at him during his lifetime?

"If I help, how do I know my father will be okay? I'm the only one here to take care of him," I said, but it seemed he'd expected me to ask that.

"There is a town nearby. We'll place him there when we're assured you won't run. Then, you're free to visit him as you please."

The town was surely better than him living in the forest alone. The one nearest to us wouldn't welcome him because of me, but another town? They may have heard rumors, but they weren't likely to know anything about my father.

"He is to be given a servant when placed into the town. I don't want him working when his back doesn't allow him to. He's also to be given a nice home, not something you'd stuff your peasants in. I want him treated kindly, as he deserves," I said, meeting his stare head-on.

I knew I shouldn't be making demands, certainly not when I was outnumbered. But I knew I wouldn't be able to do anything when I was worrying about my father. If my father was fine and living well, I would be able to focus.

The man began circling me, walking slowly. I could hear his boots scraping against the ground as if it had wronged him in some way. He was assessing me, challenging me to look at him. But I held my head up higher, ignoring the urge to turn towards him.

"I need confirmation that you are Rowan. Once that is given, I can agree to your conditions. You will also be given money for your assistance, a large amount."

My eyes flickered at the end of his sentence. I loved living in the forest more than anything. Here, I was able to use my talent freely. The animals had grown used to me; some even walking up to me during the day. Here, I was free of human judgement for my difference.

However, living in the forest was hard on my father. He was getting older, and his back was getting worse. Ever since he'd messed it up, he wasn't allowed to work by himself—although he still tried. It was hard for him to move around and drive into town when we needed essential items. Living in a town away from here would be so much easier on him.

I took a deep breath before answering: "I am Rowan, Tamer of Animals. I'm the one who can tame the wildest of beasts. I'm the one who can turn the most loyal dog against its owner. I am the one people fear."

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