Mystic Falls High

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When Cassandra asked herself what would a normal teenager in a new town do, High school was the third thing that popped up in her mind. Finding a house and a job were the first two. Thankfully for her, Dean took care of the first one using his 'old ties' around and she didn't complain, especially when it made it easy for her to freshen up real quick after 8 straight hours of driving.

As she walked around town, asking directions from strangers to the school, she mentally noted down two things.

Advantages of small towns: Everyone knows everything around there.

Disadvantage of small towns: Everyone knows everything around there.

"Hey, Um. Sorry to bother you, But I am a little lost here, would you mind helping me, I am looking for the way to Mystic Falls High" Cassandra asked the blonde who just walked out of the cafe, Mystic Grill. 

"Oh, I am actually heading there, Wanna tag along?" She asked, Cassandra didn't want to say yes but there wasn't much of a choice so she nodded a yes "I am Caroline Forbes, You must be new around here" The girl, Caroline, Cheerfully introduced herself. God, How are people cheery at 8 in the morning?

"Yeah, I am Cassandra, I recently moved here actually" Cassy introduced herself in the most polite way she could while walking along with Caroline.

"I hope you like it around here, We love new neighbors in the town" They kept the conversation going, Mostly Caroline talking and Cassandra just nodding along. But she didn't complain, It was nice. For once she wasn't listening to people talk about what kind of monster they were facing or how to kill it, It was just a normal girl, talking about her normal school life.

"So, Welcome to Mystic Falls High!" She did what was the equivalent of 'tadaaa!' Expression, Cassandra chuckled at the girl's enthusiasm.

"Thank you so much, Caroline"

"Oh! No problem. If there is anything else I can help you with, don't hesitate" Caroline offered but she was already on her way to join the crowd of other cheerful students who were eager to begin their year, Leaving the new girl stranded in the ground. Cassandra almost stumbled to the ground when two young girls were rushing their way into the school.

"Oh my god, I am so sorry!" One of the girls apologized, Cassandra was about to say it was alright but her words caught in her throat.

No! No. This is a joke. This cannot be real. No! Her mind screams and the entire world seems to be in a pause.

"Are you alright? We are terribly sorry, we weren't looking where we were headed" She apologised again. The weird look on both the girl's faces made Cassandra snap back.

"No! I mean, Yeah. I am alright. Sorry," She jogged away, ran away as far from that girl as possible. This whole thing was a dream, She drove from Kansas, got into the house Dean had arranged for her, slept, and didn't wake up yet. That's what it was.

She was almost convinced that it wasn't the real her running until she hit a brick wall. Oh, wait, No. It wasn't a brick wall, it was just some random guy.

"Sorry," She mumbled, Catching her books before they fell on the ground.

"You alright?" The stranger asked, holding her shoulder, Steading her still shaking body.

Why was he dressed all black? Is goth culture a thing now? Her mind questioned, taking him in for a second.

That's your problem right now? Her only functioning brain cell questioned her.

"Yeah, No. I. Um..." She realized she was out of breath, Turning back to see if that girl was still there. She sighed knowing she wasn't. The guy gave her a questioning look. How do you tell someone that you just thought you saw someone who has ruined your life and has been dead for years politely? That's right, You don't. "I am alright. Thank you. Just um. Little lost."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05 ⏰

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