Early Years

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Hi I am Eric. I am thirteen years old. I think I am going mad. When I woke up today morning, I found myself in a forest. I don't know how I reached here. A bright orange backpack with a few clothes and some food was lying beside me. I do not remember bringing it with me. To speak the truth, the last thing I remember is a wolf biting me on a dark purple moor. It was scary and the memory gives me chills in my spine. It was a cold, full moon night and I was taking a night time strole with my father. That's when we saw him. The wolf. Somehow, the wolf was not looking normal. He was twice the height of an average human and was standing on his hind legs instead of standing on his fours. He was coming towards the moor, towards us. I could hear my father shouting, asking me to run. But I could not move. My feet were planted to the ground. Then I saw my father run towards the wolf. I was shocked. I felt paralysed. When I finally found my voice, I sreamed after him pleaded him to stop, but it was too late. The wolf had ripped my father's throat appart. It was steadily moving closer. It was coming after me. I moved back a few steps and finally ran. I was surprised my legs could take my weight. I felt I weighed a hundred kilos and there was a tight knot in my stomach. I think this is called greif. But there was no time to dwell over this. The wolf was now only a few yards away from me. It was on me. I felt its teeth touch me. There was a searing pain in my left calf. I felt hot, thick blood all over my leg and then everything went black.

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