Character Info

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Name: Bahamut

Age: same as Asta and Yuno

Gender: Male

Race: apparently human

Height: 5'9 or two inches taller than Yuno

Personality: boisterous, excitable, but also fairly easy going, when it comes to his friends and loved ones then don't bother blocking because he's gonna beat you with his bare hands, hand to hand combat is his specialty but using magic is also his strong suit, an all rounder in a fight, happy and over excited sometimes

Phrase: "I stop when I find a limit I can't break!"


(Without the horns for now)

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(Without the horns for now)

Likes: physical training with Asta, Magic training with yuno, his siblings and sister Lilly, laughing at Asta when he does something dumb, laughing at Yuno's constant stoic attitude, father, doing cool stuff, small things, strong people

Dislikes: over confident people, weak people, nobles who think they are destined for greatness, royalty but won't say it to them and instead ignores them, being touched at random, anyone who harms his friends or family

Magic: Dragon Magic; allows you to covert you're body in magic and form said magic into dragon body parts like claws, a tail and even wings as well as have a tolerance to magic and use long range attacks

Other: while having a powerful unheard of type of magic you also have inhuman strength, durability and other physical prowess which you use for fighting or just being a help

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