She just scoffed loudly, and stood up to push Miles out of her room, "You're gross." While she closed the door behind Miles and quickly locked it, she sighed deeply as she opened her curtains slightly, and the sunlight hit her face. Clara just quickly threw on a pair of sweatpants, before grabbing her huge binder and a notebook.

As soon as she walked into the living room and dropped her stuff on the table, Miles gasped. "Fuck,  that all necessary?" He pointed at her binder, visibly shocked by the size of it.

"It's law school, yes, it's necessary." Clara chuckled, giving Miles some sort of 'duh' look, as she sat down and grabbed her phone, to copy a photo of her friends' notes. "I'm gonna kill myself. Are you gonna go on patrol tonight?" Raising her eyebrows up at Miles, she shot him a sly grin, as Clara knew that Miles didn't want her to come with him, at all.

And, he made that perfectly clear. Miles groaned loudly, and shook his head. "Clares, seriously. It's not safe, and it's not fun." The annoyance in his voice was very noticeable, even though Miles was looking at Clara with a sheepish grin.

The girl quickly started frowning at Miles, "Then why are you looking at me like that? Plus, you do it. If it's not safe, why do you do it?" Brushing her hair off her shoulder, Clara started slowly grinning at Miles, keeping her eyebrows raised.

"I've been doin' it for years, it's different." He sighed, shaking his head while he sat down next to Clara, scanning the pile of work in front of her. "Aaron's been my mentor, basically."

"And the problem is..? You could be my mentor." She shrugged, taking her highlighter and highlight tabs, and scanning through one paper.

Immediately after Miles heard that, he started shaking his head. "Nah, nah. I ain't being your mentor. I'ma take you on patrol with me five times max, but I ain't your mentor." A scoff left his lips, while he kept shaking his head with narrowed eyes. He thought it was absolutely ridiculous that Clara wanted to be Spider-Woman, but, somewhere in the back of his mind, he knew he would've done the same if he was in her position.

Clara sighed deeply, and turned around to face Miles while she scowled at him. "You're such a dickwad." Shaking her head, she showed Miles her middle finger and stuck her tongue out at him.

"You know I only talk to you 'cause we live together. You lucky I even talk to you at all." That ain't true. At all. Miles was trying to get Clara's number when he saw her at the local store when he first saw her, but she was with her friends, and he didn't feel like getting laughed at.

After she playfully gasped and rolled her eyes at Miles, Clara put her arm around his neck and pressed a kiss onto his cheek. "Aw, I like you too. You're such a nice person." She was still chuckling as she turned her head to look at Miles, but when she saw his expression, she quickly backed away. "You're an odd guy, you know."

"Don't play me right now, ma." He scoffed, rolling his eyes at his roommate. He was lucky he had darker skin, because his cheeks would've definitely been red if he didn't. But, he just had to keep up his tough exterior, especially with the dream he had about Clara.

"And, how exactly would I be playing you? I'm not doing anything wrong, am I?" Tilting her head to the side ever so slightly, the smug grin slowly reappeared on Clara's face.

Obviously, Miles noticed it, and leaned back against the couch while closing his eyes. "You know exactly what you're doing. Just go do your lil' nerdy schoolwork, and I'll get you tonight." A deep sigh left his lips, before loudly groaning, "I gotta head to work."

Roomie - Miles G. Morales | Earth 42 Miles MoralesWhere stories live. Discover now