"And Grandfather is one of them."

"Yes, he is. Or was, the last I knew."

"But I don't understand why...."

He takes both of her small hands, "Jenna...there are those in the court who are uncommonly cruel. They will see your kindness as weakness and seek to harm you, to twist you, using your gentle nature to do so. I know this- these are the same old families I grew up with. Your father was the target of their machinations often, as was I. But unlike your father, I learned to play their game. I cannot let you fall into their clutches. And were they to know of your mother, they would use that to their advantage. How, I do not know. But they would find a way and it would hurt you all the more deeply. I am sorry, my little love, but Asgard can be as terrible as it is beautiful."

"They do not know what you are, do they?"

"No. There are many amongst them who would call for my execution the minute they discovered it, irregard to my years as one of them. It would not matter. I am the monster they were taught to slay."

"So we both have to hide this."

"For the moment. It hurts you far more because you love your mother so dearly."

"I want to go back to the cabin. I don't want to live here anymore."

He gently rocks her, "Be strong. And trust your father. He will lay the groundwork so that one day you can claim your mother proudly wherever you are. But even kings cannot change hearts overnight."



"Will I ever be king?"

He smiles sadly, "I do not know. I hope so."

"Father says the same thing. Why not? I am the only child of Thor Odinson. There should be no question...."

And Loki knows he will have to once again reveal a truth to her about Asgard that is going to hurt her and he is saddened that Thor has kept so much from her, and moreso that it is falling on him to tell her these things, "I wish I could lie to you and tell you that it is certain you will take the throne. But I cannot. There are laws- old ones, older than Odin- that dictate how kings ascend. Sons come first. Daughters second. But most tragically, no one who is not fully Aesir may sit upon the throne."


"I'm so sorry, child, but yes. Because of your beloved mother, our current laws do not allow you to take the throne."

"But you were king! And Father is! Why can't this be changed?" She pushes away from him and shoves back her hair, frustrated.

"I suggested it once while wearing Odin's form, but the court erupted in chaos at the thought of it. I knew your father loved Jane, and I thought, well.... Thor will have to try again. Or we will have to wait until the court elders die."

"But...I don't understand why."

"They do not want a stranger from other lands claiming the throne. They do not want another realm to control this place, the seat of power for all the Nine."

Something dawns on her, "But that means you can't, either. So the line ends with Father."

"Yes. Because Odin knows and would prevent it, even if it meant revealing me to the realm."

"He would do that, wouldn't he?"

"I unfortunately think he might. I hope better of him, but I do not know. He did take me in."

"If no one knows about Mother, I could still inherit the throne, couldn't I?"

"I would not tell a soul."

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