Chapter 6

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"Shikamaru...?" You said questionly not sure if you're right

"Yes?" He said back he was at the weapon area he turned back at the kunai at his hand looking at it

"Nothing, you going training?" You ask back you went straight at the weapon area and pass the clothing section you also then turned at the weapons grabbing 5 kunai and proceeding to look for a katana that is useful

"Uh yeah, I was supposed to have a day off but mom wouldn't stop bugging me to train troublesome woman" shikamaru said with a sigh at the end

"Hey! Don't say that about your mom!" You scolded him

"Ugh... Another one" he mumbled

"If you want I can bake for your family" you happily said

"Uh sure, so moms mood can be calm again" he agreed

The both of you continued shopping for groceries

"Let's go! Follow me!" You grab his left hand

Cause being the lazy gentleman he is told you that he could hold your other groceries so you agreed

You proceed to drag him and then slowly walk down the road wanting to spend some quality time with shikamaru

"So how old are you shikamaru?"y


"Any relationship?" You look at him and wiggled your eyebrows



"How about you? Kanroji-san?"S

"Hey! Y/n is fine! And nope I don't have any but I would like to someday!!" You giggle imagining your life as a house wife

"You really do want a husband huh?"S

"Just like my mom I want to care for somebody"Y

"Ah! Here we are" you did a jazz hands to your front door

"And you live alone in this big house?"S

"Uh yeah, now come on!" You entered first then shikamaru followed you to the kitchen

And you put up your hair into a one ponytail and preparing the ingredients that are needed

Shikamaru watch you at the counter and he sat on a stool and saw how you were serious on baking

"Shika? Could you grab the flour at the top 3rd cabinet" you were breaking the eggs and mixing them

He got up and walk towards it grabbing the flour and putting it on the counter and he step back behind you admiring you

"Thanks shika"he saw how your lips turned into a soft smile

And the past 1 and a half hour you two got to know each other and between those time you both started play fighting

And the results having a mess inside your kitchen and have flour all over you both

"You could use the bathroom just turn left and the second door, I'll clean myself up also"

You left and go to your own room preparing some clothes for your self and another for shikamaru

You sometimes use the boys demon slayer uniforms

Inside the bathroom you cleaned yourself up and not forgetting to toothbrush your teeth

Walk out the bathroom and dressed yourself up you grab the extra clothes and walk towards the bathroom where shikamaru is

"I'll just put the clothes here outside"

You place the clothes down and walk towards the kitchen and notice the cupcakes that are finished

And of course the mochi (Jimin ;>)

You heard a door open and closed and in walk shikamaru drying his hair

"Oh hey, the treats are all done!" You said to him

"Thanks y/n-san" shika said while bowing to you

"EHH?!!?! No need to bow!!" You said to him while waving your hands around with your face red

Shikamaru stop bowing and grab the treats that you're handing to him

"Hope mom will like it, gotta go now and don't tell mom I didn't practice" shika said

"Bye y/n" shikamaru bid you goodbye his back facing you while waving

"Bye bye!" You wave at him back even though he can't see it

'I forgot how it feels like having someone with you to do fun around' you think

You got inside your house while still smiling thinking of the moment earlier

You entered the dining room and started to eat thinking what to do tomorrow

Finishing your food and cleaning the table and dishes you left the dining room and to your room

You plop down the bed and sighed

'what a nice day to start' you think while smiling

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⏰ Last updated: 3 days ago ⏰

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