Part 1

35 3 3

At Malhotra Palace

it's mid-night

a girl was sitting in such a big living area as if she's waiting for someone. She was looking at door when suddenly a message was dropped on her phone. it was her best friend. she immediatley opened her what'sapp

her friend- hyyyy whats up?

girl- nothing just waiting for abeer

her friend- stop behaving like an typical wife GIA

Gia- m not behaving like that it's just he must be tired after his Paris trip and maids will not be available for him at this wee hour Mitali. I thought you will understand me

mitali- i do understand uh darling it's just i don't want to her your good for nothing feelings but i think i have to do it so that uh will not ruin your own life.

Gia- don't beat around the bushes just come to the topic why are you awake at this time

mitali- i was having meeting with "The Beauty Style entrprise" when i was living the place I saw your bastard husband with someone else

Gia- he must be there for some meetings

mitali- yeah that is the only reason he was holding her in his arms as if they are on honeymoon right? stop worshipping your devil husband.

Gia- how she was looking ?

Mitali- fair in color, blonde hair, he was caling her Maya

gia- OKK

Mitali- just Ok ?? uh should punch him.....should reveal his true colors to the society.

Gia- Uh know that i can't it was grandpaa's last wish that i should be wife of his only best frind's grandson.

mitali- so what uh didn't get what uh really deserve darling..... he didn't even revealed you in front of the fu*king world that uh are his wife.

Gia- hmmmm i'll call uh tommorow bye take care.

she dailed her husband's number. even she know that he won't talk to her like his wife. because for him she's burden only which his grandparents put on his shoulders. but still she loved him alot. on the other side, a deep and husky voice picked up the call

man- yes? is something importand??

Gia- ummm i just want to ask if uh are coming or not abeer?

Abeer- is something important??

Gia-nope, uh just enjoy

without further talk she just hung up the call as she listened Maya's voice behind him

she was really sure that he didn't remember their 4th wedding anniversary. she was waiting for him because he promised her that he'll be with fer for whole day but he didn't . she was broken now, since maya was in aboard she had lil hope that one day he will accept his love but now she lost everything.

Now she made her mind, that she don't want be in this loveless and disrecpectful marriage. she just went to their master bedroom packed the things which she had taken three years back with herself from her grandpaa's home.

now she took hot bath and relaxedherself under shower. she wore her night gown when she listened the door of their room got open she knew who that person can be. she moved outside and saw her angry husband standing there. He was taking steps towards him making her his prey he just caught her hand

Abeer- did uh hired someone to chase me ??

Gia was looking at him with wired expressions as if she had seen any ghost there..... suddenly Abeer's phone started ringing he just picked up the call n went towards the bedside.......

Abeer-just wait love m coming......
He was on the way towards downstairs when Gia shouted

Gia- I don't want to stay with uh m gonna divorce uh soon

But Abeer already left the palace. She changed her clothes and print the divorce papers. Sign those papers and left because she already called mitali to pick her up.
Gia dropped those papers n the cards given by Abeer on living room's table n left the palace. Mitali was waiting for her outside the Malhotra Palace.

Mitali-soo finally your highness decided to leave that bastard

Gia-just take me aways from here

They both hooped in the car and left

Mitali-So what's your plan I mean where you want to go now ?? Like about accomodation??

Gia- I'm thinking to stay in Studio only because it will help uh guys I'll prepare designs.....

Mitali- babe it will be great help uh know what I was just feeling really tired to handle whole fucking studio alone there are lots of orders pending if 'The Great Alana' will help me that it will be my gift for new year 🙈

Gia- shut up I was Alana 4 years back now m not I stopped it uh know na

Mitali-just imagine babe when the news will spread over the city that the great Alana again started creating designs it will be the breaking news

Gia- shut up I don't want it just drop me at studio

Basically Gia and Mitali both started their own fashion studio 4 years back n but after Gia's wedding she stopped working. She helped Mitali sometime by making designs at home n sent her
But now she's free bird to get over her dreams......

They both reached La'fame studio. N entered on 3rd floor. It was small bedroom here to have rest. Gia arranged everything in wardrobe and made herself comfortable in night wear. They both talk about their college days after that Mitali left to her home n Sleep overpowered Gia

So how was today's chapter please inform me. Hope uh all will love it. If uh guys want to get more parts please comment share and like this chapter your loving writer.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2023 ⏰

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