Chapter 1: A Normal Day

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Russel and Khloe were just walking down the hall, talking about stuff, "- and that game killed us last night," Khloe said. Khloe was in girl's athletics, with green eyes. Russel spoke, "Well, as expected. Our school sucks at sports." Russel said. Russel almost always wore a red or blue hoodie, and he had hazel eyes. "Yeah, tell me about-" Khloe started, but got cut off by someone shouting, "Let me at him!" Russel rushed ahead and found that John and Kasey were fighting. Kasey looked battered, as blood poured from his nose and fell off his face as he picked himself up. Mr. Freeman broke through the crowd "You two! Cut it out now!" He demanded. As ordered, the two students stopped fighting. "You! Meet me in my office!" Mr. Freeman shouted as he pointed at John. "What?! But he started it!" John said, pointing at Kasey. Kasey was holding his nose as he held onto a locker for support. "No, I didn't!" Kasey shouted through his cupped hands as one of the campus officers helped him over to the nurse's office. "That was weird." Said Randal, moreover known as Randy, he wore a grey or black jacket and had hazel eyes. "Screw off. You're just going to start talking about Natalie." Russel said. "No, look-" Randy started. "Bros over hoes." He said, before walking away. Dang. Randy thought as he walked to the cafeteria. What the heck did I do wrong here? Randy thought as he walked into the cafeteria. Randy walked over to his normal table, which also had Russel at it. "No, no. Go away." Russel said, waving his hand at Randy. "Screw you too, Russel!" Randy said as he sat down. "What's going on?" Gavin Guittar asked, his blue eyes gleaming with curiosity. "Randy here, has a girlfriend, and guess what? He's starting to put her first!" Russel exclaimed. "So?" Gavin G asked. "Yeah, what about it?" Gavin R. asked. "He's leaving us for her!" Russel said, his voice growing louder. "No, I am not!" Randy protested. "One, we're not dating yet, and two, I still play games with you, I still hang out with you! All I do is call and text her from time to time! Do you have something against that?!" Randy spoke. Russel searched for words other than a racial slur, though to no avail, found nothing. Checkmate. Randy thought as he set his backpack down. I am glad I paid him off about those secrets though. He can't use them against me. Randy thought as he pulled out his Warrior Cats book. "Furry," Russel said coldly, with no hesitation. Randy looked up from his book. "Scuse you?" Randy asked. "You heard me." Russel said, eyeing Randy. "Stay true to the deal." Randy said. "Whatever," Russel said. "Row 4, go get your lunch. Row 4." Mr. Davenport said through a bullhorn. We all got up and made our way to the lunch line. As usual, Gavin G. and Gavin R. both went for the nacho line. Me and Russel went for the pizza line Russel stayed quiet, as expected. Hm. He's usually more social than this. I wonder if it's something worse than just losing an argument. Randy thought as he opened the fridge and pulled out a Smart Water. Randy hopped over the short silver railing and grabbed a pizza slice. As Randy made his way to the front of the line, he saw Russel behind him, flipping him off. Ah, it's hard to stay mad at Russel forever, because of the stupid stuff he says, and does. Randy thought as he checked out his food to the lunch lady. As he walked back to his table, he thought. I wonder if something happened, or if he was just playing. He thought. As Randy ate, his mind wandered into many different things. Some better, some worse. Russel and Gregory were yapping like the little yapper they are. Russel looked down at his phone, "Oh my God," Russel said, chuckling. "What?" Randy and Gavin R. asked at the same time. "My Finnish friend just sent me 'Happy 9/11'" Russel said, covering his mouth and laughing. Everybody at the table started to laugh, "Oh," Randy said, catching his breath. "That's funny." He added after a moment. After everyone calmed down, the bell finally rang.

(Time to skip to the end of the day.)

As Randy finished his test, the bell rang. As Randy put his stuff back in his bag, Russel called over at him. "Hurry up!" He said. Randy finished putting stuff his stuff up and rushed over to Russel. "Now, show me your conversations," Russel said. "Oh? I thought you didn't care?" Randy said. Russel looked at Randy with an Are you an idiot Look. "I never said I didn't care, I said bros over hoes," Russel said. Randy nodded slightly before pulling out his phone. "Well guess what?" Randy asked. "What?" Russel asked. "I don't care," Randy said slowly as he opened up the messenger app and started texting her. "Oooh lemme see!" Russel said as he tried to look over my shoulder. Randy raised his elbow and almost hit him in the face. "Alright then," Russel said, backing off. As Randy finished his message, he lowered his phone as they reached outside. "Wanna cross?" Russel asked. For the sake of context, there is a place in the middle of the front of our school that is separated from the main part. Some people cross there. Russel and Randy jogged to the middle, careful not to get hit by any cars. After Randy called his parents to come pick him up, Russel started talking. "Want to play Call of Duty later?" Russel asked as he pulled out his phone, "You do have Discord, right?" Russel added. Randy opened his phone. "Of course I have Discord," Randy said, opening Discord. "What's your user?" Randy asked. Russel gave him his username and sent a friend request. "5:30ish work for you?" Randy asked. "Yeah," Russel replied. "Alright, sounds good to me," Randy said as his ride rolled into the pickup section. "Talk to ya later," Russel said as Randy hopped into his car. "So, how was school?" Randy's grandmother asked. "It was good," Randy replied. To make it easier, I'll just call her Grammy. The rest of the ride home was quiet. As they pulled into the driveway, Randy got a notification on his phone. Luckily his phone was on vibrate, so he ignored it. Randy opened the back door and immediately, his dog, Fred, greeted him. "Hi, buddy!" Randy said happily. "He's been waiting for you all day." Randy's grandpa said. For the sake of the story, I won't say grandpa, I'll call him Paw Paw. "I can tell," Randy said, dropping his backpack by his desk. He opened it pulled out his band music and walked off to his room. As he pulled out his instrument, (French horn) he decided to check his phone. 1 new notification: Discord The phone read. Alright, sweet. He thought as he realized it was from Russel. Added to a group chat: The boys. The discord notification read. As he set his phone down, he continued to let his mind wander.

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