What does Trash Dentist think of you?

108 2 13

Eh, I'm bored

Aries: He doesn't know.

Taurus: He doesn't even know you exist (ah, luckily).

Gemini: He adores you.

Cancer: You're his friend.

Leo: He wants to destroy you.

Virgo: You're like Tooth Hurty - he can't stand you.

Libra: He wants to torture you.

Scorpio: He fucking hates you.

Sagittarius: He is taking advantage of a moment of distraction on your part to jump on you and destroy you.

Capricorn: You're his best friend.

Aquarius: You're acceptable.

Pisces: He is mad at you because you forgot you have a visit to his clinic and now he's mad at you... if I was you, I'd run away as fast as I can.

How is your life going? :3

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