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SMG3 looked at himself in the mirror. Sure, he still looked like SMG4, but now SMG4 was completely different: he had black hair and a really small nose and no more moustache and, overall, he just didn't look like Mario anymore.

Three sighed. He too looked nothing like Mario anymore, but now his outfit was purple and he had a beard. He'd always wanted a beard, but he didn't have any idea that anything else about his appearance might change as well. His nose was... so... small. His eyes were so... dark. If you'd asked him a month prior if that could've possibly been him, he'd have said that there was no way in the Internet Graveyard.

And yet, he stared at his reflection, now completely different. He was still trying to process the entire lawsuit, and how Bob now looked kinda sick and that Boopkins looked like a play-doh rendition of his former self that didn't have enough doh for a shell.

He turned to face his bed, which had some clothes piled up onto it, along with the brand-new SMG4 AniMatez figure that he'd put on the bedside table. He really enjoyed staring into the unmoving soulless eyes of the figure, for whatever reason.

He jumped back onto the bed, laying down. Sure, it had been an entire week since the lawsuit situation had been resolved, but he was still exhausted. He needed a nap (again, again, again). He closed his eyes and thought of the peace of nothing.

Drifting through a space of darkness and calm, with nothing interrupting him, except his phone ringing.

His phone ringing?

SMG3 opened his eyes and saw his phone ringing and vibrating. He stood up and grabbed the phone to answer the call.

"Hello? Sexy lord of the internet graveyard here. Who's calling?" He hadn't even bothered to check who was calling him before he answered, which he realised was a really bad move.

"SMG3 DID YOU JUST CALL YOURSELF SEXY???" responded the voice on the other end. It was SMG4.

"UHH- NO??? What do you want???"

"Oh, you're needed at the castle, sexy," SMG4 replied, slightly mockingly.

"SHUT UP! I'll be there in a minute."

"Okay, bye sexy!"


"Okay, bye, SMG3!" The call was ended by SMG4. SMG3 was red. He had called himself sexy. That's not something he used to do. He sprayed water on his face and in his hair, to make it look like he was running rather than blushing. Then, he opened a portal and walked through. He saw SMG4 with a cup of coffee, SMG1, SMG2 and Mario sitting around a table business-meeting style, with Meggy doing a presentation.

"You're here, Three, now sit down." said Meggy, who was wearing business attire. SMG3 did what Meggy told him, and took a seat between Mario and SMG3.

"So, I've called a meeting to discuss a successful crime group that has recently emerged."

"Well, who are they?" asked SMG3.

"They call themselves The Red Bandana Syndicate. They are a gang of troublemakers who use the symbol of a red bandana to signify their membership."

"And what do they do?"

"Seventeen methamphetamine laboratories, repeated shoplifting charges, murder, arson, manslaughter, the list goes on." said SMG1, who was waving a thick wad of papers labelled 'Criminal Activities of The Red Bandana Syndicate', and the writing on the first few pages (the only ones SMG3 could see) was absolutely microscopic.

"17 METH LABS!?!??!????!!!!???!" said SMG3, stunned.

"Point is, they're a bunch of troublemakers."

"How did they get away with this for so long?"

"They haven't, the crime syndicate was only formed a few days ago."

SMG3 was now completely speechless. There was an absolutely massive list of crimes from this one syndicate, and it had only existed for a few days?

"So... how do we stop this?" asked SMG3.

SMG2 tried to hold back a grin.

"We need someone to sneak into their headquarters to try and take down the entire operation from the inside."

"And?" said SMG3.

"Well, we though that if you and SMG4 worked together, then you would fit the bill perfectly. The spies must be human, so me and SMG1 couldn't possibly do it. Meggy's gonna get caught out quickly, since the entire syndicate is male.


"Mario thinks it's funny to tell you when you're drinking coffee!"

SMG3 was silent.

"As I was saying, before everyone else decided to explain for me, we need two spies to infiltrate their headquarters and take them down, and SMG4 and Three would work perfectly. If you two could stand each other for long enough, that is."

SMG3 sighed. "Ugh, fine. I'll try not to get anyone killed."

"Except their crime boss. You can kill him if you want."

"No, I don't think I wanna kill anyone. Too messy." Everyone turned to SMG3. "What, I'll still seriously injure them!"

"Oh okay, that explains why you aren't gonna kill then."

"So, when do I have to be a spy with this idiot?" he said, pointing at SMG4 who gave him a 'hey'.

"Tomorrow," Meggy said.

"Sure thing," said SMG3, who then promptly left his seat. He opened a portal to the Internet Graveyard, then left.

"Didn't even bother saying 'bye'!" said SMG4. The next day was going to be a busy one.

A/N 908 words

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2023 ⏰

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