Untitled Part 11

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Soon we reached a decent looking cafe, on the outside there were painted brown and orange autumn leafs on a dark brown brick wall. There were two wide windows on the front and a white wood door besides the two windows. There were also fairy lights on the door and there could be seen a few people eating inside. ''Wanna eat here?'' I asked, pointing to the door while looking at Ash. Ash shrugged. ''Sure''

We walked inside, it smelled like fresh waffles and a hint of coffee and hot chocolate. There were a few people sitting at small wood tables, laughing and talking. The floor was made out of dark wood and the walls were red bricks, there were also plants almost everywhere and two small kittens walking around, sniffing people and just chilling. It was cozy and comfortable here. I really like it. Me and Ash walked up to the counter were there was a lady with brown hair that was sat up in a loose ponytail. She had a lip piercing and a septum piercing. She looked pretty chill. ''Hi, welcome to the Autumn Cafe All Year Around. What can i get you two gentlemen?'' She smiled, I could tell by her name tag that her name was Olivia. And her smile wasn't even a fake one like there was in most places. There was a menu attached to the ceiling, hanging behind her.

''I will have a uh.. Hot chocolate with whipped cream please'' I smiled back. ''I will have the same ma'am'' Ash said. ''Okay that'll be 2 dollars for each''. Wow, that was cheap. I was about to pull out my wallet when Ash pulled out his and paid. ''I'll pay'' Ash smiled at me and I gave a warm smile back. ''Thank you'' ''you're welcome.''. Olivia handed a small flat device to Ash. ''When this vibrates come up and get your hot chocolate.'' Olivia said and Ash and I said a quick 'thank you' before walking over to a couch and sat down.

 One of the cats hopped onto my lap, it was the black one. I swear, that just made my day. I love cats. I gently massaged its head, behind the ears, and then cheeks. I was so lost in thought with the cat that I didn't notice Ash pulling out his phone and snapping a quick photo of me. As soon as I heard the small clip sound I whipped my head towards Ash, my cheeks growing red. ''Did you just take a photo?'' I asked. ''Maybe'' Ash gave a cheeky smile. The cat hopped off my lap. ''You better delete it.'' I warned, ''okay okay''. 

Soon the device vibrated and we stood up to get our hot chocolate. We got up to the counter where the nice lady from before stood. The two cups stood on the counter. ''Here you go, enjoy your date'' Olivia smiled and gave a small nod. I could feel my cheeks grow red. 

''Oh- wait no'' Ash started, ''we aren't dating'' I explained and Olivia raised an eyebrow. ''My bad, well. Enjoy your hot chocolates.'' Me and Ash nodded before we got back to our seat, the air between us was thick, and really awkward. I cleared my throat before taking a sip of the warm chocolate. 'Ow! Fuck!' I thought to myself as I clenched my eyes shut, removing the cup from my lips. ''Shit-'' I groaned, my tongue was burning. ''Are you okay?'' Ash looked at me. ''No. I burned my tongue.'' I snarled, annoyed by how much that stupid shit hurt. ''Do- do you want me to take a look?'' Ash asked, worried. ''Uhm okay'' I mumbled, opening my mouth. ''Hm.. It's a bit red.'' Ash said, I closed my mouth again. ''My tongue is always red'' ''Yeah but it's redder.''

After a while my tongue stopped hurting so much, and me and Ash were just chatting now. Maybe friends? I don't know. ''So what's your favorite song?'' Ash asked curiously, ''probably Meteor Shower by Cavetown'' I answered. ''What about you?'' I looked at Ash. ''Definitely Good God by KoRn'' Ash smiled. He was probably one of the biggest metalheads I know. He's also one of the nicest people I know. I love being around him, and I get a tingling feeling in my stomach every time I just think about him..

''So what do you wanna do now?'' Ash asked as he sat the empty cup of hot chocolate down on the table. ''Hm.. Wanna just walk around in the city?'' I suggested, flipping a piece of my blond hair out of my face. ''Sure'' Ash smiled and stood up.

We walked over to a tray standing on a table where there was a small sign saying ''place dishes here''. We placed our cups down and walked out. It was a bit cold but it was bearable. There were a few people but not so many. We walked down the sidewalk for a bit before entering a bookstore. A little bell rang when we entered and it smelled nicely like books in there. There was a man at a counter who immediately looked at us when we entered. ''Bonjour! How may I two young men today?'' The man smiled.

 He had a French accent to his voice which suited him well. ''We're just looking around, thank you'' I smiled and the man nodded and went back to working on something on the computer at the counter. The book store was really nice and clean, but also had a comforting aesthetic to it. Me and Ash walked down an aisle that was recommended for teens. My gaze was fixed on the different books to see if anything caught my eye. A book caught my eye, so I picked it up. The title was ''The Queen's Son''. I looked at the backside of it and it was about a boy named Mathew who was a stubborn prince. One day he got a playmate called Arthur. It sounded interesting enough so I decided to buy it. 

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