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"I just don't know what I'm going to do with you, young lady!" David yelled at his daughter from his throne. Corey swam hesitantly outside the throne room door, sadly watching Sabrina be represented

"Daddy, I'm sorry." Sabrina pleaded "I just forgot."

"As a result of your reckless behavior-." David started, though was interrupted by Niall, appearing on top of his crown "Careless and reckless behavior! The entire celebration was, uh-."

"Well, it was ruined!" Niall interrupted, appearing from inside David's beard "That's all! Completely destroyed." Sabrina folded her arms, guilt inside of her "This was to be," Niall deeming spoke "the pinnacle of my distinguished career."

He turned his head back to Sabrina, frowning "Now thanks to you, I am the laughing stone of the entire kingdom!"

"It wasn't her fault!" Corey suddenly swam in, then panted, realizing he was still in the presence of the king "Oh, uh, first, uh," He stuttered "this shark chased us. Yeah, yeah. Then, we tried to- but we couldn't turn he-." He paused to growl before continuing continuing "and we- whoa!" He screamed, spinning around, then sighed, "Ah, then we were safe. And then this seagull came, and he was all, this is this and that is that." As he mocked Peyton's voice, the king sat up "Seagull?"

Corey gasped, hiding behind Sabrina's hair

"You went up to the surface again, didn't you? Didn't you?" David yelled. Sabrina shrugged, sheepishly smiling "Nothing happened." She said. The king rolled his eyes "Oh Sabrina, how many times must I go through this? You could have been seen by one of those barbarians, by one of those humans!"

"Daddy, they're not barbarians!" Sabrina defended

"They're dangerous! Do you think I want my daughter sneered be some fish eater's hook?" David held Sabrina's face in his hand, lovingly

Sabrina jerked his head back, angry "I'm sixteen years old! I'm not a child anymo-."

"Don't you use that time with me, young lady! As long as you live under my ocean, you'll obey
my rules!" David said

"But if you would just listen-." Sabrina said

"Not another word!" David shouted, heading back to his throne "And I am never-never to hear of you returning to the surface again, is that clear?!" Sabrina opened her mouth to protest, but shut it almost instantly. With her lip wobbling, she swam out of the throne room with Corey following close by

The king sighed, sitting down in his throne "Teenagers." Niall shook his head "They think they know everything. You give them an inch, they swim all over you."

"Do you think I was too hard on her?" David asked

"Definitely not! Why, if Sabrina was my daughter, I'd show her who's boss. None of this flittering to the surface nonsense! I'd keep her under tight control." Niall ranted with David listening intently

Suddenly, the king got an idea. "You're absolutely right, Niall." David praised "Of course." Niall nodded

"Sabrina needs constant supervision." David said

"Constant." Niall said

"Someone to watch over her and keep her out of trouble." David said

"All the time." Niall said

"And you are just the crab to do it!" David poked Niall in the shell

Niall's eyes grew wide as he realized what just happened. He slowly made his way out of the throne room, mumbling to himself "Why do I always get myself into this kind of situation? I should be writing symphonies. Not tagging along some headstrong teenager."

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