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After the fish falls back in the water, he breathes a sigh of relief knowing that he is still alive. After he gains his breath, he swims down to the bottom of the sea where he joins a school of fish heading in the same direction. Minutes later, they are followed by a mean who is heading in the same direction. Soon, more merpeople were headed in the same direction. They wouldn't stop until they reached it. After passing many reefs and rocks, the merpeople made it to their destination. Atlantica's Castle

The main castle was a large beautiful castle that was covered in pure rare gold. Not the type of gold humans would wear in jewelry, but a special rare type of gold that would only exist under the sea. It was the largest castle in the ocean. It was home to King David, king of the merpeople and his seven daughters. It was also the location of the Great Concert Hall, where plays and concerts were held in the royal family's honor throughout the year

This time, the entire merworld has come out to honor King David's 50th anniversary as ruler of Atlantica. It was also the singing debut of his youngest daughter, Sabrina. It would be conducted by the most extinguished composer in all of Atlantica: Niall

As soon as the entire mercedes has settled down, John, the royal family's seahorse announcer comes out and announces the king's arrival

"Ladies and gentlemen," John announces. "I present to you the ruler for Atlantica, His royal highness King David,"

Soon the audience cheers as King David comes out as the concert hall in a large carriage hoisted by two dolphins. Using his staff, he turns on the lights, making the people cheer and applaud even more.

John quickly resumes his introduction "And presenting our extinguished court composer: Niall."

The much smaller carriage hoisted by only one dolphin comes out into the concert hall. It is carrying a small crab. The dolphins start to get antsy and move much faster, making Niall lose control of his reigns. He regains control when he reaches the king

"I'm really looking forward to this performance, Niall." King David says to him "I know you always give out great concerts, but I think this one will top them all."

"Oh, your majesty. This one will be the finest concert I've ever conducted." Niall proudly states with a beaming smile "Your daughters will be spectacular." He managed to get the words out his mouth before his carriage turns him over

King David chuckles as Niall struggles to get back in his carriage "Especially my little Sabrina."

"Yes, yes." Niall said as he gets back in his carriage "She does have the most beautiful voice." He told him before he went down to his stand "If only the girl would show up for rehearsals once in a while." Niall quietly said to himself as he made it to the stand. He got out of the carriage and grabbed his music sheet, he begins the concert

As the music begins to play, the stage's curtains open up and three shells come out onstage. As each clam opens up, the six oldest daughters come out and begin to sing. Each girl introduces themselves in birth order, from oldest to youngest


Ah, we are the daughters of David
Great father who loves us and named us well














And then there is the youngest in her musical debut
Our seventh little sister, we're presenting her to you

A fourth clam comes out onstage, presumably holding the youngest daughter, Sabrina

To sing a song Niall wrote, her voice is like a bell

When it opens up, they are surprised by what is in there. Or in this case, what is NOT in there

She's our sister Sab-

The daughter were not the only ones shocked by Sabrina's absence. The entire audience was surprised by the missing girl. Niall was embarrassed at her disappearance, but he looks at King David and sees that he was extremely angry at Sabrina

"SABRINA!" King David shouted. His 50th anniversary celebration was ruined and his youngest daughter would have some explaining to do

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