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Once upon a time, there was a large, beautiful kingdoms that was located near the ocean. The residents of the kingdom lived and worked together in peace. On a bright cloudy day, the kingdom's ship Empress was sailing in the ocean exploring many different worlds. On it, the crew members go about their day cheerfully singing songs

I'll tell you a tale of the bottomless blue
And it's hey to the starboard, heave ho
Look out, a mermaid be waiting for you
In mysterious fathoms below

While the crew members were singing, the ships captain, Prince Harry, was taking in the beautiful view with his best friend and right hand man, Shawn, and his pet dog, Bear "Isn't this great, Bear? The salty sea air? The wind blowing in your face?" Harry inhaled and exhaled as he took in he beautiful air "Aah, perfect day to be at sea. Right, Shawn?" Harry turns to Shawn, who is throwing up in a small gray bucket nearby

"Oh, yes Prince Harry. It's delightful." Shawn says before he resumed throwing up.

One of the sailors was trying to pull down a sail, but was having trouble with it since the wind was too strong. Harry came by and helped the man pull the sail down

"It's both a strong wind and sea today. King Davis must be in a friendly type mood." The first sailor said, catching Harry's attention

"King David?" Harry asked

"Ruler of merpeople, lad! I thought every good sailor knew about him." A second, one eyed sailor said as he nearby caught a fish into the bin behind him.

Shawn scoffed at his comment "Merpeople. What a joke." He said before he turned to Harry "Harry, please pay no attention to this complete and utter nonsense."

The second sailor was highly offended and he walked up to Shawn in bitter anger "What? It ain't nonsense. It's the truth. I'm telling ya, down in the depth of the ocean, the merpeople lived alone." He cheered while the fish he was holding flew onto Shawn's face.

Shawn screeched, he tries to remove it from his face as it flapped around it. Seconds later, the fish jumps off his face and falls into the ocean.

Heave ho
Heave ho
In mysterious fathoms

The Little Mermaid | 1989Where stories live. Discover now