Play other stuffs will fun + His brother was born

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*4 years later. Miko was 3 years old grow up & he likes to play with Rumi (Dragon Plushie). He's bored & sees his father cooked the food at the kitchen*

{Miko (kid)}:
[*sneak & scared at him*]

{Male Human (Chinese)}:
Ó! Érzi, nǐ xià dào wǒle./ 哦! 儿子,你吓到我了。
- (Oh! Son, you're scared me).

{Miko (kid)}:
Bàba, wǒ zhǐshì wán wán éryǐ./ 爸爸,我只是玩玩而已。
- (Dad, I'm just playing.)

Male Human (Chinese):
Nǐ bù xūyào zhèyàng zuò, hǎo ma?/ 你不需要这样做,好吗?
(You don't need to doing that, ok?)

{Miko (kid)}: 
Hǎo de./ 好的.
- (Okay.)
[*look at his mother*]
Mama ohayō!/ ママおはよう! 
- (Good morning, mom!)

{Female Human (Japanese)}:
Ohayō, Miko-san./ おはよう、ミコさん。
- (Morning, Miko.)

{Miko (kid)}:
Mom, Dad always busy. 😞

{Female Human (Japanese)}:
Do not worry, He should be fine ^^. Let's eat breakfast.

{Miko (kid)}:

Male Human (Chinese):
Let me help you, sweetie ^^ 
[*help his wife for sitting the chair*]

Female Human (Japanese):
Thanks ^^
[*she was pregnant*]

{Miko (kid)}:
Mommy, Do I have a sibling?

Female Human (Japanese):
Of course, You'll get surprise.

Male Human (Chinese):
You have to be patient, you're way to excited ^^. Your mother should checked it by the doctor at the hospital.

{Female Human (Japanese)}:
Since you are a little baby ^^. I'm very okay.

{Miko (Kid)}:
Okay, Mom ^^

*They are eating their breakfast at their home. In 9 months later at the hospital, his mother still lay down on the bed. Miko & his father watching her holds another baby*

{Male Human (Chinese)}:
Here's our boy.

Baby Boy:
[*open his eyes & he's giggle*]

{Miko (kid)}:
Mom, who's that?

{Female Human (Japanese)}:
He is your brother. Be careful
[*gave her baby to her son*]

Miko (kid):
[*holds his brother*]
He looks.... cute.
[*smile at him*]

{Male Human (Chinese)}:
You don't have to be afraid of him. You should taking care of him & you will protect your brother. I named him "Hiro" which is his nickname "Stats"

{Miko (kid)}:
[*holds his baby brother*]
Wow...Hello, Stats, welcome to my family ^^

{Hiro/Stats (baby)}:

*Miko should protect his younger brother, Hiro/Stats. He will taking care of him. His father promise his son for not losing Hiro/Stats. His two sons are brothers each. Together, the family sticks together.*

To be continue on the next stories/chapters 📜 📚

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