Sweet Letters (Floyd x Boom)

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Inspired by a head-canon from Natalyartsandstuff

I wrote this back in November before the holiday giftswap so there may be changes in terms of Boom's personality, so yeah :)

It's been two weeks since Floyd moved into Branch's bunker after the whole BroZone reunion, (which almost involved him dying in the process) he was getting some supplies for the bunker while Branch was on his date with Poppy. Floyd grabbed his basket, now full of fruits, gave the money to the vendor, politely excused himself, and walked off back to the bunker.

Now, considering how far away his younger brother's bunker was from the Pop Trolls market, it was a long walk. That's when Floyd felt a small water droplet falling down on his blue nose. Floyd rubbed it off, only until the rain was pouring so hard to a degree that Floyd could barely see a thing. The feeling of the water droplets stopped once Floyd noticed a the shadow of a large dark navy blue umbrella over him.

"Do you need any help?"
Floyd looked up, one eye covered by his dark hot pink and white hair, the other seeing a golden glitter Troll with rainbow-colored hair. One hand held the umbrella while the other was clenching onto a brown duffle bag.

"Umm, yes please."
The stranger smiled and immediately helped carry Floyd's basket of supplies, and Floyd told him where the bunker was. Throughout the walk, Floyd felt a sense of nostalgia, like he met him before. That's when he remembered that this Troll was one of Branch's friends from the second boyband he joined, Kismet. But Floyd was too shy to ask his name so he kept quiet as they proceeded to their destination.

Why I'm feeling all warm all of a sudden.
Floyd thought to himself, feeling his cheeks grow so hot that he started to blush, his heartbeat racing and having the hasty urge to boop the stranger's nose, but he tried to shun those feelings. Once Floyd made it to the bunker, he thanked the kind Troll and stood outside.

Floyd was about to pull the lever, the lever to the entrance of the bunker, but his arms felt heavy all of a sudden and his legs felt wobbly, shaking a little. Floyd felt slightly embarrassed that the Glitter Troll was watching him struggle, but Floyd felt too bashful to ask him to politely to leave.
Why am I feeling so weird?! All I did was ask for help!

Floyd turned around, confused about what his stranger said. The stranger chuckled softly in response.

"That's my name. Boom. Or if you want my full name, It's Boomihem Lancifer Bass."
Floyd heard himself chuckle a little hearing Boom's full name, making his face a little bit red, so he covered his face with one strand of his hair, hoping Boom didn't see his bright blush through the rain.

"And, Floyd right?"
Floyd gasped softly, his insides jiggling and squirming inside. He felt like his legs are ready to collapse and his heart was racing.

"Can you tell Branch I said hi? Oh, and can you give him this?"
Boom took a small parcel out of his hair. It had a light blue ribbon with Branch's name on the tag. Floyd quickly grabbed the parcel and tucked it in his hair. Boom said his fair wells and Floyd went down into the bunker, his eye still looking at Boom who was walking away, looking more graceful and beautiful from a distance, even in a rainy night.

As Floyd got off the elevator on the very bottom floor, Branch (who was organizing all of Poppy's scrapbooks) instantly noticed how off Floyd was acting. Usually, he'd give Branch a warm squeeze-worthy hug, but instead, he was quiet and aloof.

"This is for you."
Floyd handed him the parcel from Boom, and almost immediately, the dots were starting to connect, but he had to make sure.

"So? Who'd you meet in the village?"
Branch asked suspiciously whilst trying to sound normal according to his standards, which he was failing substantially.

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