1.10 - She's Demonic

Start from the beginning

The figure sighed, her expression a mix of concern and empathy. "Kyoko, we understand the weight of the mission, but you can't let it turn you into something you're not. The we thrive on darkness, and if you let it consume you, they've already won.

We need strength, but not at the cost of our humanity. There must be a balance. If you lose yourself in the process, what's the point of saving others?" 

Kyoko's eyes narrowed, "What do you mean by turning into something I'm not?"

The haze of lavender clashed with hard emerald. "Kyoko haven't you noticed?

You're becoming more and more like a cold hearted demon."

Kyoko's eyes widened, and for a moment, she felt a chill running down her spine. The realization of her own transformation, pointed out by her companions, struck her like a blow. 

"What... What do you mean?" Kyoko asked, her voice wavering with a mix of denial and fear. 

The doctor spoke, her words careful yet firm. "In the pursuit of justice, you're losing your humanity, Kyoko. The way you handled Hantengu, the anger, the determination to make him suffer—it's not just about justice anymore. It's about revenge."

 The doctor then added, "We understand the gravity of our mission, the need to stop the demons, but we can't let the darkness we fight consume us. You're walking a dangerous path, Kyoko, and we're worried that you might become what you hate." 

Kyoko's gaze flickered between at the petite woman, a whirlwind of conflicting emotions raging within her. The quest had become more than a mission; it had become a personal vendetta against the demons that had disrupted her life. 

"I can't afford to be weak," she whispered, almost to herself. "Not when there are still demons out there, threatening the lives of innocent people. I can't let them win." 

The doctor reached out, placing a gentle hand on her shoulder. "Strength doesn't come from becoming what you fight. It comes from holding onto your humanity, even in the face of darkness. Otherwise, you risk losing yourself."

"I didn't realize... I didn't mean to..." Kyoko stammered, her voice filled with a mix of guilt and uncertainty.

As Kyoko reflected on the doctor's words, a sense of clarity began to emerge. She understood that she needed to recalibrate her approach to the quest. 

With a deep breath, Kyoko looked back at the doctor. "Thank you, Tamayo. I needed someone to remind me of the path I should be on. I won't let revenge consume me. I'll find a way to stop the demons without losing myself in the process." 

Tamayo smiled, a mixture of relief and encouragement in her eyes. "We're in this together, Kyoko, to kill the sickening man who did this to us."

"'Sickening man?' Oh, my dear Kyoko, is that how you refer to your own father?"

Both women turned to see a figure emerging from the shadows, a sinister smile playing on his lips. The revelation hung heavy in the air, the truth unraveling before Kyoko like a twisted nightmare.

Tamayo's expression shifted from determination to disbelief. "Muzan? But... how?"

Shallow laughter echoed ominously. "Ah, the games of destiny, Tamayo. You didn't think you could escape the consequences of meddling with my affairs, did you?"

Kyoko felt sick. Muzan approached with an air of arrogance, reveling in the revelation that connected them in ways Kyoko couldn't fathom.

"So, my daughter," Muzan sneered, "are you ready to embrace the legacy I've bestowed upon you? The legacy of demons, revenge, and the eternal struggle for power."

Kyoko's mind reeled, the revelation of Muzan's claim to her lineage sending shockwaves through her already muddled brain.

Tamayo, her composure momentarily shattered, spoke with a mixture of defiance and fear. "Muzan, I won't let you corrupt Kyoko. She's not bound by your legacy; she has the strength to forge her own path."

Muzan chuckled darkly, his eyes glinting with a sinister gleam. "Ah, Tamayo, you always were a thorn in my side. But it seems fate has played its hand, intertwining our destinies in a way you couldn't predict."

Kyoko, caught between the revelations of her demonic origins and the clash between Tamayo and Muzan, felt a surge of conflicting emotions. The quest that began as a pursuit of justice against Muzan now spiraled into a personal struggle against the very blood that flowed within her veins.

As Muzan's ominous words echoed in the air, Kyoko's selfish instincts stirred. The prospect of power, the allure of embracing her demonic legacy, whispered seductively in her mind. A part of her yearned for the strength that Muzan offered, the ability to reshape the world according to her whims. Maybe that way she'll finish her tasks faster. Maybe that way she'll save her own home.

Tamayo, sensing the internal struggle, regarded Kyoko with a mix of concern and understanding. "Kyoko, the path you choose defines you. You have the capacity for kindness, even if it's wrapped in selfish motives. Don't let Muzan extinguish that light within you."

Muzan, observing the turmoil, sneered. "Kyoko, you can pretend to resist, but deep down, you crave the power that courses through your veins. Embrace it, and I'll reveal the true extent of what you can become."

Kyoko's eyes flickered with conflicting emotions. The selfish desire for power warred with a flicker of kindness that Tamayo had identified within her. In that moment of internal conflict, Kyoko made a decision that surprised even herself.




Author's Notes:

Geta: Japanese footwear that closely resemble flip flops.

Seleneasha here! Kyoko finally meets the main antagonist of the series! The data books revealed Muzan had like 5 wives before the one in the anime so I was pretty stoked to write a potential failed experiment related to him. It's more of a head cannon that he's tried experimenting on humans regarding their abilities, and having that experiment be the lil kid who fell down a cliff (I see a pattern to my writing, woops) and meet, ironically, the person who rlly rlly wants to kill their creator. 

Been dropping subtle hints throughout every chapter. See if you can spot em lol.

Also Kyoko meets Tamayo but not for the first time! I'll add more of those lil interactions in the end of chapters to kinda flesh em out. They're more like teammates than the mom and daughter relationship I initially wrote em as, also that whole Tamayo section was suppose to be Kyoko dragged into the after life and being sternly talked to by Yoriichi and Uta. But heyyyyy they're dead and oops looks like there's a cliffhanger that doesn't relate to a literal cliff this time.

I had this chapter in the back burner as I went through exams and had a flood of nasty things coming for me during winter break. I hope everyone stays safe throughout 2024. And don't forget to vote for this chapter!

See you next Sunday!

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