Chapter II: Xiao's Crush

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Xiao was sitting his bed cuddled in a blanket with a stuffed animal by his side, he was watching a movie about a god who ruled over a land and in a small village there we two characters, a girl and a boy who fell in love but could not be together because the god forbid romance between citizens and foreigners, the boy came from another land and the girl was born in the city. The god had said any foreigners who roamed the land shall be captured and set to sail home. The boy was afraid, but the girl said she was willing to sail across the land with him, and they kept a promise to stay together no matter what the future had planned. Xiao was intrigued by plot line of the story and thought it would be interesting to watch. As Xiao was deeply focused on the movie he was abruptly interrupted by the constant buzzing of his phone. Picking his phone up from the side of his bed, turning it on to see multiple messages from Venti.

Barbatos: Hellooo!!

Barbatos: Xiao!!

Barbatos: Guess whattttt?

Barbatos: My school friend said they wanna take me to the fair!!!!

XiaoRawr: What..? And why exactly is that important to me? I was busy watching a movie -_-

Barbatos: Becauseeeeee.... I've never been to one before! I also thought you'd be interested in knowing about my personal life :3

XiaoRawr: Oh congratulations then. Have fun.

Barbatos: Why do I have a feeling that was meant to be sarcastic?

XiaoRawr: Because it was lol

Barbatos: Ugh so rude! -_-

Xiao looked at his phone screen with a smile on his face. He was really started to like the guy, he thought they'd make great friends. Xiao took his blanket off his body and got up to stretch for a second realizing he had been sitting for far too long. He decided it'd be nice to go for a walk and perhaps sit in the park while he conversated the with boy. He closed his computer and put his blanket and stuffed animals back in their places before going to grab a water from the kitchen to then set off on his journey to the park.

As Xiao walked out the door, he put his earbuds in his ears and hummed along to the music, he decided now would be a good time to check his notifications. He saw Venti sent him a few messages.

Barbatos: Do you wanna video call???? :O

Barbatos: I'd love to hear your voice!

Barbatos: Hellooo?

Barbatos: It's okay if not!! ^^

He looked at the messages in a bit of shock. Did Venti really want to call him? Now? He felt his face flush red and he was hesitant to give a response, but he then agreed to the call, and he walked around the park to find a peaceful place to sit, somewhere quiet where they could hear each other without any interruptions. Xiao finally sat down under a tree and decided to wait till Venti called him. It rang for a moment before he answered, still hesitant he picked up the phone and responded with a soft "Hello?" "Oh hi! Are you outside right now?" He stared at his phone for a second before responded, he looked even more beautiful than Xiao remembered. "Um, yeah I am!" Xiao replied. "It looks super nice over there! Where are you from again?" Venti smiled looking at the scenery behind the boy. "Oh, I'm from Liyue, where do you happen to live?" "I'm from the one and only, Mondstadt!" Venti said with a prideful tone. "Oh, Mondstadt? I've heard about it there seems like a nice place" Xiao responded looking off to side. "Would you like to see a picture I took of my backyard? You might be interested in seeing how things look over here, I can assure you you'll love it!" Venti smiled at the screen causing Xiao to feel nervous at how pretty he looked. "Oh, if you want, i guess" Xiao responded. Venti quickly scrolled through his phone camera roll trying to find the picture he took last week. "I sent it!" Xiao looked down at his phone to open the photo he sent. "Oh, it looks... nice" he replied awkwardly. "That's it? '...Nice'?" Venti questioned the boys dry response. "Oh, was that not a good enough response for you?" Xiao scoffed at Venti question. "Aha, sorry! I suppose it was not the answer I was expecting."

The two boys begun to chat for a little while longer, Xiao now inside talking to Venti. "So, Liyue? I happen to know a few people from there! As well as two traveling twins who happen have had a long journey there!" Venti said trying to make conversation. Two traveling twins? That rings a bell. "These twins? What are there names by chance?" Xiao asked. "Well they're the one and only Aether and Lumi-" "No way!!" Xiao cut off Venti's answer in shock "I know them!" "You do?" Venti asked in a bit of confusion as to what was just said. "I do." Xiao confirmed. "I heard they're in Liyue right now, are they not?" Venti asked the boy as he remembered Lumine telling him they'd be there. "Yeah, they are." Xiao replied.

As the two of them continued chatting, Xiao was suddenly interrupted by a knock at the door. "Hold on, Venti, let me get the door." Xiao muted the phone and turned off his camera and walked towards the front door, then opening the door to a familiar looking girl, she had light blue hair, pink eyes, and a pair of horns on her head. "Hello, Xiao!" the girl smiled at him while he stared back at her in shock. "What's the matter? You didn't forget our plans today did you?" "Oh! I'm so sorry Ganyu" Xiao responded to Ganyu with a slight feeling of guilt. "Give me a second!" Xiao said closing the door and running back into his room.

"I have to go" Xiao said after he unmuted his mic. "Oh, alrighty! Text me whenever you're done then!" Venti replied. Xiao then hung up the phone and opened the door to Ganyu, "Come in" He said as the blue haired girl walked into Xiao's home and they walked upstairs to his bedroom. "So who were you on the phone with?" Ganyu asked. "Uh, just a friend, his name is Venti" Xiao replied while fidgeting with his fingers. "Oh I see, how did you two meet" She smiled at him, noticing he was a bit nervous. "We met on a game" He replied as his face started to go red. "Are you nervous, Xiao?" She asked in a concerned tone, putting her hand on Xiao's shoulder to comfort him. "No, I'm fine" Xiao responded in a harsh but quiet voice, averting his eyes to left. "Xiao? Do you happen to... like this person?" Ganyu said removing her hand from his shoulder, putting it on to the side of the bed. "I'm not sure-" Xiao replied honestly, questioning it himself, if he had perhaps had a crush on Venti. "Do you ever nervous around him? Butterflies perhaps? Do you tend blush around him?" Xiao suddenly felt anxious to answer Ganyu's questions, he may indeed have some sort of feelings for Venti, but he wasn't ready to admit to that. "I mean- yeah" Xiao responded covering his mouth with his right hand looking off to the side, his cheeks tinted pink. "Xiao, I think you might just have a crush on Venti" Ganyu smiled at Xiao, sort of excited to hear, Ganyu had been waiting for her best friend to finally fall in love, Xiao tends to keep to himself, other than when playing games, and despite having met him on one, Ganyu thought this might be his chance to finally experience a proper romance.

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Nov 16, 2023 ⏰

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