Part 4 swoop bike racing

Start from the beginning

11-4D- it appears the Speeder bike race is going to start soon master Dorian

Vectivus reached out with the force to gauge the pilots there was nothing special about any of them say one. Anakin Skywalker had come back to race again. The boy likes to take unnecessary risks however that being said the boy had a natural Talent. Vectivus grabbed his normal clothes and quickly got out of his black Sith robes he would watch the race himself instead of Simply being out of sight and out of mind. Vectivus descended the stairs of the building and walked out onto a platform out here he was in view of everybody that could see him and he was in perfect view of watching the Speeder Bike Race. 5 minutes later the race began Anakin ever the show off allowed himself to drift back to the back before accelerating and overtaking the slower racers his reaction time was extraordinary. If the boy hadn't been found by the Jedi he probably would have grown up to be nothing more than an avid Pod racer. Anakin had won the Boonta Eve race that had granted him his freedom but back then he had been drawing on the force not intentionally but it was subconsciously. But now that he was a Jedi he was drawing on the force intentionally using it to predict everything. 

Anakin's pov

The race was nothing special I had gone on pod racers faster than this Speeder bike but this was the most enjoyment I could get out of my situation. As I reached into the force I could feel everything around me and every situation I could feel the ill intent of the other Pilots. Part of me wanted to reach into the force and Crush their engines causing them to crash but I quickly blocked this thought out of my mind. I could feel my Racing Engine began to malfunction this has been the third time does it happened it felt like it was shaking uncontrollably I quickly looked back at it to try to do quick manual repairs. Before I could make any of the repairs the engine snapped it was an internal component I could feel myself start to lose altitude I knew I had to bail out before I crashed. I fell onto a balcony and I did everything to grip onto it I tried to draw on the force but I was so distracted I just didn't know what to do it wasn't until I heard the sound of footsteps coming towards me they were light and very quiet but I heard them all the same. A man wearing dark blue robes reached out a hand to me.

Dorian- Anakin take my hand.

I looked up into the dark blue eyes of Dorian one of the children of the Supreme Chancellor. I extended my hand and took his with surprising strength he yanked me up onto the catwalk.

Dorian- are you okay?

Anakin looked down at the speeder that had just exploded. He didn't understand why his speeder had malfunctioned or what had gone wrong with the engine had been sabotaged. He quickly dismissed the idea there was no way he had gone over all of it before the race had even started. I looked back up at the older man who seemed to actually be looking at me with actual concern.

Anakin- I'm fine just a few scratches nothing too serious.

Dorian crossed his arms and looked down at Anakin.

Dorian- why are you out here Anakin?

Anakin looked worried even probably a little bit scared.

Anakin- you're not going to report me to the Masters, are you?

Dorian- Anakin I'm your friend I'm not going to tell the Masters what you've been doing but I'm very certain they know already.

Anakin looked up at the older man he had actually said that he was a friend. Dorian continued to look at him.

Dorian- before you go back to the Jedi Temple there's a restaurant that isn't that bad let's have a bite to eat.

Dorian extended his hand again in a sign of good faith Anakin took it and picked him up off the ground. Anakin followed Dorian to a small restaurant in the works it was a modest place and it was meant more for industrial workers than anything else the two took a seat.

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