Part 2 The Queen

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Third person pov

The two Secrets Sith Lords walked on a balcony of one of Galactic Cities' many skyscrapers. The older of the two could be described as fearsome his red and black tattoos made him a sight to behold to any normal being. The younger of the two looked out upon the city his pure black eyes revealing nothing but the void the two stopped and looked out at the lines of heavy traffic. The younger of the two was the first one to speak.

Darth Vectivus- move against the Jedi first once they're eliminated you'll have no problem taking the queen back to Naboo to sign the treaty.

Maul looked at the young boy. Maul didn't like the fact that how unbelievably invisible in the force he was he almost seemed like a normal human being if it wasn't for his corpse-white skin and pure black eyes.

Darth Maul- at last, we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi at last we will have Revenge.

Darth Vectivus- we have both been well trained we have been prepared for this moment for years those Jedi will be no match for you.

Vectivus reached out with the force and could feel another presence something familiar they were being watched by somebody who wasn't an enemy. Vectivus turned his head slightly to the opposite building and there just out of sight but still very much present in the force stood Darth Plagueis along with his Droid 11-4D no doubt the Droid had been eavesdropping in on their conversation. Things were moving in the right direction all he had to do was play on his master's paranoia the paranoia of the Sith but the final bill would come do ingest a few more days. I returned my attention to Darth Maul.

Darth Vectivus- go to Tatooine now.

Maul bowed his head

Darth Maul- it will be done, my Lord.

Maul walked away Vectivus continued to watch as the young man walked away he would have to learn the hard way that overconfidence and arrogance could lead to disaster. But that being said Maul had no real place in his Sith rule. He was a useful tool and his usefulness had now officially run out if he was killed then it was of no consequence if he succeeded he would be sent on more suicidal missions. Vectivus thought for a moment he needed an apprentice who could understand the ins and outs of politics and not somebody who was a pure Warrior. Vectivus began to make his way back to 500 Republica he would go up to his spare rooms Darth Plagueis had been so gracious to gift him Sith Scrolls and holocrons that he would use to study but more importantly he had gotten him something rather rare something that he had wanted for many years. A Qixoni crystal a dark red Crystal that not only Amplified Dark Side Powers but the weapon couldn't be used by somebody of a light side orientation. For the past several thousand years most Sith had gone out of their way to use synthetic lightsaber crystals but he wanted a natural one and Darth Plagueis had provided him with not one but five such crystals. Although his original lightsaber was still in the Statue and it used a synthetic Crystal. I reached into the dark side and pulled the Sith Alchemy mask over making me appear more human the black of my eyes disappeared revealing a blue color my corpse White skin having more color to it now. I removed my Sith robes putting them into a secret storage compartment and grabbed my blue and black senatorial robes. I sat at my workbench and took out one of my lightsabers. The process was slow replacing the crystal with the new one. As I worked my mind flashed back to a Scrolls I had gone through. Although half of my genetic material was Sith pure blood I had none of their physical characteristics I didn't have facial tendrils or the blood red skin. I did however have elongated fingers with nails that looked as sharp as knives and then there were the pure black eyes. I had one characteristic of Emperor Vitiate the solid black eyes

 I had one characteristic of Emperor Vitiate the solid black eyes

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