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"An update on yesterday's incident at the U.A. Rescue Training Centre where hero course students were attacked by a gang of villains. According to new police officials the criminal forces called themselves the 'League of Villains.' Investigators have reportedly uncovered that this group has been plotting to kill U.A. teacher and popular hero: All Might, since the Spring of this year. Police arrested seventy-two villains involved in the attack, however the League's leader escaped. His whereabouts is unknown."

Rikona watched a recording of the news report on her phone from that morning. Eijiro sat in his usual seat, but facing her with her other earphone in as they watched the images of them and their classmates flash by quickly on the screen.

Many of their classmates were oddly quiet around them, evidently still exhausted even after the prolonged weekend. Mina laid on her desk grumbling about her early start that morning, while Denki just leaned back in his chair with his head lulling to the side every once in a while.

"You guys!" Toru smiled (probably, she's invisible so Rikona wouldn't know). "Did you watch the news?!"

Mashirao nodded with a hum of affirmation and Rikona slightly cringed at his voice, having remembered that she never informed him of her whereabouts after escaping from him back at the USJ.

"It was so cool that we got a few seconds of screen time!" Her smile (...) dropped and her voice seemed sad. "Although I bet no one noticed me hanging out in the background..."

Mashirao blinked awkwardly. "Probably not," Shoji shrugged, responding for him from behind his mask.

Mashirao grimaced at the blunt remark, "I suppose it's hard to stand out when the only part of you that's visible is a pair of gloves..."

Denki turned and leaned on the back of his chair, looking at Eijiro and Rikona as the interview with the chief of police finished on Rikona's phone.

"We're all breaking the news! The journalists all love us; we're basically celebrities already!" Denki grinned.

Eijiro smiled back and took out Rikona's earphone. "Crazy, right?"

Kyoka scoffed as she stared at her nails, "Get over yourselves, Hero Course students from Japan's national school were attacked. It's a good story, that's what they care about."

Hanta shivered dramatically, smirking at Mineta, "Who knows what would've happened to us if the teachers hadn't shown up!"

The short boy yelled in response, stomping on his desk, "Why'd you have to bring that up?! I'm gonna pee myself just thinking about it!"

Rikona groaned, following Mina's actions and faceplanting onto her desk. His voice was unbelievably annoying. Katsuki seemed to have the same idea.

"Shut the hell up! Grow a pair, extra!"

"Did you see All Might fighting the bird guy?!" Sato exclaimed, "He was super strong and he still destroyed him!"

Tokoyami folded his arms, "Yes, the show of power was remarkable to see."

Yelling came from the door:

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