The vampire merely rolls his eyes, "Winchester, you're in on this too? I didn't know you were a hunter."

"He's not, but I am, and I noticed you've been a bad kid." I press the heel of my shoe into his leg, he complains. "I also know that someone had to turn you and Mary Anne. So why don't we save ourselves some time, and you tell me?"

"Over my dead body... not that you can do much," Rodney smirks, "vampires are pretty much immortal."

"You're dumber than you look." I grab his chair to sit him upright, then, I turn it around, so he can look at Mary Anne's dead body behind him. "Still sure about that immortality?" While I let Rodney ponder over his life, I take Dean to a corner of the room. He sure seems calmer than before, even defending me from Rodney. "How are you holding up?" I ask him.

"Fine," he's grouchy, "I mean, I'm still processing, but at least I know you're not making things up."

I sigh, "I'm not... look, I'll tell you about my family and" I gesture to Rodney, "all of that later. Right now, I need you to wait outside, though."

"Outside?" He asks distrustful.

"Yeah, I need Rodney to tell me what he knows... and you're not gonna like the methods for that to happen."

His eyes widen slightly, "you're gonna... torture him?" It's more like a statement than a question, but I nod nonetheless. I wait for him to tell me that there might be another way, or maybe that I'm a monster. Instead, he murmurs, "alright, I'll be outside, but let me know if you need me." I concede, even though I know I won't call for him.

I wouldn't describe what I did to Rodney as torture, considering that he pretty much spilled all of his nest's secrets after a few scary tactics. By the time I was done with him, I learned all that I needed. As it turns out, Rodney and Mary Anne weren't the only vampires in town. They had been turned by a rouge vampire by the name of Sydney. Rodney claimed that it was only the three of them. Under other circumstances, I would've not believed in the word of a monster, but the scared shitless face that he gave me told me he was telling the truth. As such, my next plan of action became to hunt down this Sydney guy and get rid of him. Hopefully, he hasn't turned any other teenager in his spare time yet.

While Elena gave me free use of the Colt, I have been trying not to waste so many bullets. However, I forgo bringing a machete with me, so instead of decapitating Rodney, I easily place a bullet through his brain. The shot rings through the forest, claiming dominance in the deafening silence. I exit the cabin to find Dean still waiting for me outside. The hole that he had been digging for the bodies is complete, and I can see Mary Anne inside.

"I hope there's space for one more in there." To be honest, I was half expecting Dean would've run away by now. I suppose I'm pleased to learn that he hasn't.

"Yeah..." He avoids looking inside the cabin, I don't blame him. "What did Rodney say?"

"What I already guessed, he's not alone. A vampire called Sydney turned him and Mary Anne."

"Good, good, when are we leaving?" He asks, and oddly enough, he seems kind of eager.

"Leave? Leave to where?"

"To hunt this vampire, of course." I try not to think about the fact that he clearly believes me now, but on the misguided idea that I'm bringing him with me.

"Who said you were coming?" I challenge.

"Oh, come on," Dean whines, "you introduce me to the supernatural, and you expect me to not help you when there's a killing monster out there?"

"Yes? Most people want nothing to do with this. Just pretend it didn't happen and don't say anything." The last thing I need is for rumors to spread about my family being anything other than normal.

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