Important (Dex POV)

Start from the beginning

Sure enough, he stood up, gesturing for Dex to do the same. When he did, Alden pulled him into a tight hug.

"Dex, Della and I already consider you our son. We see how much you and Biana love each other. We will be proud to see the two of you marry and proud for our daughter—and our grandchildren—to carry the Dizznee name."

Dex grinned. "I already knew that, but it's good to hear again. I promise, I'll spend the rest of eternity taking care of her."

"I know that," Alden said, smiling at him.

"I'll let you know when I have a more definite plan," Dex added. "Fitz is going to help me plan the proposal. Something big and flashy and exciting enough to suit Biana's personality."

Alden laughed at that. "Good luck with that one." They stood, then, and Dex made to leave.

"Dex?" Alden said suddenly. "Welcome to the family, son."

Dex smiled back at him. "Thanks, Dad."

He leapt back to Foxfire, and ended up in Fitz's room, discussing options and considering going ring shopping soon. But after dinner, he needed to head to Watchward Heath to work some more.

Biana ended up joining him there, and his conversation with Alden came back to his mind. He couldn't wait to marry this girl.

She remained silent while he looked through the captured images. Once again, none of them were Kenric. Once again, Dex felt disappointed, and worried he wasn't doing enough. He looked up at Biana. "Nothing yet," he told her.

She smiled at him. "Don't worry. We'll get there. You're doing a great job, everyone is talking about how hard you're working to solve this mystery."

Wow, he loved her.

"Thanks for that. It's discouraging. But you're right. We'll get there eventually. But before I start tweaking the search, why don't you tell me about your day?"

She shrugged. "Just girl talk that probably won't interest you. I'd rather watch you work." She flashed her most flirtatious smile at him, her teal eyes dancing with playfulness. "You're so cute when you get all techie and serious."

Dex couldn't help himself. He leaned in, placing one hand on her leg and burying the other in her hair, and kissed her.

But after only a few seconds, they heard the unfortunate sound of Mr. Forkle's voice saying, "you know, this is not what this office is for."

Dex couldn't back up quickly enough. He felt the heat creeping up his neck, burning his face and his ears.


"I'm sorry," he mumbled.

"If you're done, Mr. Dizznee, perhaps you should vacate my office and go enjoy each other's company elsewhere." He shook his head, but Dex knew him well enough by now to see that he was more amused than annoyed. "You kids and your hormones."

"It's my fault, Mr. Forkle," Biana said. She looked slightly uncomfortable, but more composed than Dex was. "I distracted him. He's just so cute." She winked at Dex, who felt his blush deepen.

Well, this was very awkward. But also...Dex did need a private talk with Mr. Forkle. "Um...Biana, maybe I'll finish faster if you're not here distracting me today," he told her. "Maybe Mr. Forkle can help me see if I'm missing anything."

She sighed. "Will you come see me when you get back to Foxfire?" she asked with a pout.

"Of course. Hopefully this won't take me very long." And I wasn't done kissing you.

She kissed his cheek and left quietly.

Dex slowly shifted his gaze to Mr. Forkle. "I really am sorry about that," he mumbled. But then he squared his shoulders. Be bold. "But I was actually hoping to talk to you about something."

When he told Mr. Forkle his plan, and his hope that he and Biana could get married during the break before beginning their eighth year, Mr. Forkle sighed. "What is it with you kids and wanting to marry so young?"

Dex cocked his head to one side, thinking. "Why wait? Especially after everything we've been through. Humans have this phrase, 'life is short'. And while that doesn't really apply here, after almost dying multiple times, it does force us to realize what's really important."

"And Miss Vacker is what's important to you?"

Dex nodded vehemently. "She's the most important thing."

Mr. Forkle nodded slowly. "You sound just like Mr. Sencen," he mused. "And long as this means that you and Miss Vacker can do your kissing at your own home instead of in my private office, then I will allow you to move off campus."

Dex grinned. "It's a deal."

Their talk turned to business, now, as he explained that he still hadn't found Kenric, and showed Mr. Forkle how he was adjusting the search as he moved from town to town. Mr. Forkle assured him that he was being very thorough and that it was only a matter of time.

And then told him, privately, that if they searched the country and found nothing, they would focus their search on past years before widening the search to other countries, in case Kenric was there in the past and had eventually been killed by the Neverseen.

That sent shivers down Dex's spine, and he swore to himself he wouldn't tell any of their friends that detail unless he absolutely had to.

But then he wrapped up his work for the night and left the office, eager to spend a little more time with Biana before the day came to a close.

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