Doc X Sick Reader

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   “You should have been more careful, Y’know.”

“OOoOooOh you should have been more CAaaaAreful.” You playfully mocked as you repositioned the blankets so that all the layers were securing your body. Despite your huffing and puffing, you were grateful for him taking care of you. It had been about a year and a half since you got out of your crypto-pod, yet you should have been more careful with your body as Doc had warned you about. 

Living with mostly robots caused you to often push yourself harder than you should. It was easy to forget you weren’t like them, that you were delicate. You ignored the red stinging of your nose and how your hands went numb. You didn’t want to be the weak one of the group. Most of your encounters with other bots were quite pleasant but occasionally there was a bot who’d stare at you for too long, some that would talk amongst each other not expecting you to know their language as fluently as you did, some even seemed interested in courting you although not filled with endearing intentions like Doc did. They seemed to see you as some sort of luxury accessory or exotic animal.

“I want you to drink this.” He said, giving a small plastic cup to you. You smelled it and grimaced. “I know, I know it doesn’t taste good, but it’s the best we have. Perhaps tomorrow I’ll gather some tea leaves from Clementine.” It’s amazing what could be made with the wild plants that managed to grow. You could have the best tea you’ve ever tasted or medicine that made you want to gag.

“I do these things only because I love you.” You said before you chugged down that horrible medicine. You slammed the cup down on the counter and let out a cough. You just drank it too fast. Your throat was burning.

“I love you too, dear.” Doc said, still in his matter of fact tone. “Is the temperature of the room okay?” He asked, looking at his unfinished blueprint on the desk.

You smiled and held your arms out. “Wow, abandoning me for your work?” You said sarcastically, feigning betrayal. “I am very sick, and you abandon me? Your loving boyfriend?” At first, Doc looked tense like you were actually calling him out, then you giggled, letting him know you weren’t actually mad at him. Your partner was a big workaholic, someoneyou’d do anything you could to get him out of his work, something Seamus was grateful for.

He walked towards you and sat down at the foot of the bed. You grabbed his arm and pulled him closer. “Careful careful!” He stabled himself with his arm. “I don’t want to crush you. My edges are a bit sharp.” You rolled your eyes at his vigilant behavior and hugged him tightly. The sound of his systems operating was something you couldn’t fall asleep without.  The quiet hum was so nice against you, and the metal of his chest was somewhat warm.

You didn’t even know you were tired until you dazed off into his arms. Little did you know he felt the same way.

आप प्रकाशित भागों के अंत तक पहुँच चुके हैं।

⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: Nov 15, 2023 ⏰

नए भागों की सूचना पाने के लिए इस कहानी को अपनी लाइब्रेरी में जोड़ें!

Stray x reader जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें