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Author's Note:

I am sorry that I have not updated my other story or my other book, "POKÉMON: THE AURA GUARDIAN" yet but I was not allowed to use electronics for the past 2 weeks or so. I can't write a completely new chapter in 1 day, so, I'll publish the first chapter of this story early. This will not be a harem, only an Ash-x-Sabrina shipping. I have not seen many of those and I find the idea sort of calling out to me.

Ash in this story does wield aura powers while Sabrina wields psychic powers. Thus the name, 'Two Opposites Attract'.

I probably won't be updating this till around December end because of my school examinations (And my parents are probably going to take these electronics away). Some subjects I find useless. Why do I need to learn moral science of all things?

This story will adopt a not exactly common writing style. It will be a bit different as compared to the direct and indirect style of writing of my other book, "POKÉMON: THE AURA GUARDIAN".




Ever since Ash turned four, he has had to experience incidents that no living being, regardless of its wisdom, age and power would ever want to face. He was practically the servant of the Gods, the legendaries. He had helped them many a time, but they had never really relayed the favour.

It is said that 'As you sow, so shall you reap', but in Ash's case it had not been so. For him, it had been quite the opposite in fact. He had put his life at stake, so many times, it was almost uncountable. Yet, he had got back nothing in return.

This is the harsh reality of the world Ash had realised with time. He had realised that in the world, only the fittest survive. And, in order to ensure their survival, people could do anything.



It was his fourth birthday, a day he had been waiting for since a very long time. He woke up and ran down the stairs to his parent's bedroom with much excitement, proceeding to jump on their bed and scream, "MOM! DAD! ITS MY BIRTHDAY! WAKE UP!"

Hearing their son's jubilant voice, they stirred from their slumber, greeted by his infectious excitement. A loving smile adorned his mother's face, and his father, still groggy, managed a hearty, "Happy Birthday, Ash!" His deep voice echoed with warmth as he wished Ash. They embraced him, showering him with warmth and affection.

His parents led him to the kitchen, where the enticing aroma of a delicious breakfast wafted through the air. His mother had prepared a feast of his favorite treats, from fluffy pancakes adorned with berries to crispy bacon and scrambled eggs. The table was set with care, and colorful decorations added an extra layer of festivity.

Amid laughter and chatter, they enjoyed the delightful breakfast together. Ash's eyes sparkled with joy as he savored each bite, the flavors a symphony of happiness on his palate. His parents, watching him with pride, shared stories and jokes, creating a warm and vibrant atmosphere.

After the meal, they moved to the living room, where a pile of wrapped gifts awaited Ash. Each package held a token of love, carefully selected to bring a smile to his face. As he unwrapped each present, excitement filled the room. From Pokémon-themed toys to a new adventure book, the gifts reflected the shared interests and bonds within the family.

The celebration extended to the backyard, where a picnic blanket lay under the shade of a tall oak tree. Ash's father set up a small projector, and together they watched a montage of family videos and cherished memories. Laughter echoed in the air, mingling with the gentle rustle of leaves.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2023 ⏰

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POKÉMON- TWO OPPOSITES ATTRACT: An Ash-x-Sabrina ShippingWhere stories live. Discover now