It was only a matter of minutes ago that this happened.

Everyone was fast blacked out, from the drinking and partying that went on for the entire night. I had too much to drink as well, from the shots they were "forcing" down on me. I mean, Zoro did take a lot of them for me whenever I hesitated, which was a super sweet gesture, but my vision was blurry by the time I fell asleep. Basically, I drank enough to regret it the next day.

I opened my eyes earlier than everyone else, with the exception of Law who was sitting quietly by himself, seemingly deep in thought. Not bothering to greet him, I looked down at my outfit again. A wedding dress, huh... it's not the first time I wore one, but this was the first time I wore it and belonged in it. Thinking back to last night made me blush to myself, and I adjusted the boat-neck collar of the dress, getting up to hold onto the pillar.

It was a still night, almost too quiet that it felt empty in contrast to last night's grandness. Despite the nausea I felt, I couldn't stop smiling to myself. To have even one person care for me genuinely was a miracle for me, and to have all these big names gather just to surprise me and promise a better future felt like a dream still. The headache said otherwise— walking to the kitchen to grab a glass of water, I tripped over a few plates that were left on the floor. Quickly gathering myself, I had a glass of water, getting back out to sit a few feet away from Law.

He did not acknowledge my presence, nor say a word. I guess he wants to be alone, I thought, as I purposely shifted my body to face the other way.

"How... what happened to you?"

Law's voice was gentle and soft to the ears. Without looking at him, I looked once at everyone sound asleep, particularly at Zoro whose shirt buttons were all undone and snoring like he wanted to imitate an alarm clock.

"I was cursed. By a witch, to be desired by all men. Is this what you're asking?"

He didn't say another word. I heard him mumbling lowly, affirming he had heard what I had said. I wonder what's going on in his head... Turning my neck to see his expression, I questioned his motives.


"No. It's just..."

Nevermind, he concluded, smiling a little. I frowned at that unsatisfactory answer. I turned my entire body around, to face the man who had his sword leaning against his body. He seemed a little startled at that, his eyes widening the slightest bit.


I asked again, determined to get an answer. I'm quite sure I saw his cheeks a little flushed, but decided it was my hungover self seeing things, and observed the misty fog that was dawning upon us. I have a bad feeling... Should I wake them up?

"It was highly unusual for anyone on your crew to get married. And..."

My crew, he says. Smiling a little at that, I waited for Law to finish his explanation, but was disturbed by Robin who woke up next, and in turn got the rest to slowly open their eyes. Law turned his head away from me, and walked off without another word. Frowning, I felt the need to poke Zoro awake, but he looked as if he wasn't going to react. Bepo was up, however, and rubbed his eyes groggily.

"Hey, you're their navigator right?"

His adorable and sleepy eyes turned towards me, as I gave his back a few pats to aid him. Bepo nodded his head, before looking out into the sea. He suddenly got up and ran towards where Law was, gifting me with a huge gust of wind.

"Captain! We're reaching an island. Must be the place the rest of us are waiting at."

At Bepo's declaration, the rest of the crew mates and guests began to sit up from the floor, their eyes barely able to open.

Desire [Zoro x Reader] One Piece FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now