Chapter 15

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•Deans POV•
I woke up......again? I must of fell asleep. I saw Ashley and Seth in the room with me watching football and I guess Roman was in the shower. i got out if bed trying to make much noise, which was a success I might add, and hugged attacked Ash and Seth from behind. When I hug them both of them had jumped. "So, how's everyone doing?" Both look like they were in a different world. "Hello" I said while trying to get them out of that trance. "what's wrong Dean" Ashley said "Nothing, it looks like you two are different everything okay between you guys" I said. "Yeah, everything's okay, oh look the Rangers are winning" Seth said. I didn't even bother telling him that he was watching a Cowboys vs Giants game.

•Romans POV•
I don't even know what to do right now, now that Ashley knows that I like her all of the divas will find out. There's only 14 divas in the locker room rumors can spread quickly, VERY quickly. "Don't let this be another Corey Graves story." That sentence jut kept replaying over and over in my head. Maybe I won't go to the Smackdown taping I don't think I'm even booked to do anything tonight. After like five minutes of just thinking to myself I finally got out and got dressed in some gym clothes. I can probably get all of this shit off my mind.

•Ashley's POV•
Roman got out of the shower? I didn't even know that he was in there but okay. I saw that he was about to leave the hotel room "Where are you going?" I asked "To the gym" Roman said sounding a little irritated. "We might as well all go, come on let's get dressed" Me, Seth and Dean got off the couch and turned off the TV and got dressed in some workout clothes. "We ready guys?" I asked and they nodded so we just went off.

•Dean's POV•
We left for the gym to find out that this hotel has no gym....seriously what hotel has no gym. "oh well let's go back" Roman said trying to leave the pool area, we heard typing come from out of no where and noticed that it was Ashley on her phone "what are you doing?" I asked "looking for a gym..and I found one" She said sounding happy. "There's one five blocks from here, lets go" We all left with her instructions. We got in and noticed that this also had crossfit so I bet that Seth would be happy about this.

•Romans POV•
Ashley and Seth were doing crossfit and I couldn't help but stare at her. Dean was off doing his own thing and I was doing my usual workout looking at the mirror, which wasn't helping. The reflection in the mirror was me and Seth with Ashley having there workout. I kept staring at her ass, I got to admit she has a nice one, wow I wish I was Dean right now. She's just so pretty and sexy and so..pretty and Get your self out of it Roman, go to a different machine. Just continue with your workout and hopefully get all of this shit out of your mind.

•Seth's POV•
Ashley went to do some kickboxing and when she was walking she stopped and just stayed frozen there, like she was in quicksand. "What wrong Ashley?" No response she just ran to the......wrestling ring. I swear she looked like a little kid on Christmas opening up her gift. "DEAN, ROMAN COME LOOK WHAT I FOUND!!" Her voice echoed through out the whole time place. They both came running and saw us doing leap-frogs in the middle of the ring.

•Ashely's POV•
"Ashley, show me how you do the submission that you always do" Seth said to me. "I'll show you, but I need someone to do it on" I said looking at all three of them "I nominate Roman" Seth said pointing to him as Roman was giving him that "why the fuck did you do that face" but he got in anyway.

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