Since meeting Karina on the first day I'd arrived here, Ning Ning had told me all about her exclusive status as the student council president

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

Since meeting Karina on the first day I'd arrived here, Ning Ning had told me all about her exclusive status as the student council president. She had a mysterious personality and was extremely intelligent with a keen interest in dance and fashion.

Raised in an extremely wealthy family that had connections at the university, she was also particularly popular with the students on campus despite her aloof character. Apparently, she was only referred to by her Korean name, Jimin Yu which was why it seemed so unusual that she introduced herself to me as Karina when we first met.

There was something about her that was so familiar though, a glint in her eyes that reflected the sun. I was sure we'd met once before as she played with the silver ring on her index finger that was designed with a crossover effect like silver vines interwoven.

"Jimin, you know her?" The girl beside her was stood sternly with her arms crossed glaring at me.

"Yes." Karina stated bluntly, her eyes staring at me intently making me shy.

I bowed to the girl beside her before shyly extending my hand to greet her. "Hi, I'm Winter. It's nice to meet you."

She scoffed, as I quickly backed away. "I'm sure it is. Jimin, the meeting? We need to go-"

"Then leave, Giselle!" Karina snapped, catching the attention of the other's inside the café.

She returned her gaze to me, a gentle smile resumed again on her lips. "I heard you talking about a dorm party. Are you bit of a party animal?"

"Not really... Ning Ning wants to go so I'll just tag along." I gestured towards my best friend who was watching the scene at our nearby table with wide eyes in intrigue. It was only then I noticed the entire café had descended into silence at the mere presence of Karina.

"Is that so..." The student council president muttered, switching her hawk-like gaze between Ning Ning and I.

"Jimin, we're running late-" Giselle interrupted again but Karina kept her focus on me.

"So have you enjoyed your first week on campus, Winter?" She asked in curiosity.

"Yeah, it's just been a big change I guess but it's fun. Though I do keep getting lost..." I shyly stated, making her giggle at my blushing cheeks.

She tilted her head, her eyes sparkling in the light. "I'd be more than happy to show you around the university. Just you and me."

There were whispers around us as I gulped nervously. I'd always hated attention especially in crowds. "It's okay... Ning Ning has been giving me directions."

My best friend was in a glaring match with the girl beside Karina. I couldn't help but wonder if the 2 knew each. "And yet you still keep getting lost? Perhaps someone more suitable could help you, like me."

"I... umm... Thank you..." She smiled again before catching me off guard and holding my hand.

"You look cold, are you feeling okay? Your hands are like ice." She stated, my cheeks suddenly felt in contrast on fire like a jolt of electric had sparked between us.

Those Winter Days (A Winrina Jiminjeong Story)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن