Chapter 6: "Belkan Intiative"

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Jin Hark, Lourian Kingdom. 1900hrs. 30 August, 1639

It had not been a week since the naval defeat in the Rodenius Sea and everyone in Louria is still feeling the sting of their defeat.

From a fleet of 4,400 ships, only 27 critically damaged ships limped back to the Lourian port. Those at the docks were met with sailors with thousand yard stares, some are visibly shaking, and others are muttering "Demon Ship" over and over.

And from that day rumors began to spread throughout the kingdom, and it made the morale of the entire kingdom dwindle.

While the Kingdom's guard force was seemingly doubled, both ground based guards and Wyverns.

Inside the castle's chambers murmurs echo from members who are informed of the truth.

“I can't just believe this report”

“Indeed, those men must be hallucinating or something”

Two officers exchange in the seanof murmurs.


King Hark's booming voice filled the chamber

“General, this report from our sailors. How accurate is this report?”

General Patajin steps up

“Milord, amongst all of the sailors we interviewed that came back from the naval battle, they all said one thing in common.

"A large, black, demonic ship rised out of the water and began to sink our ships"

We couldn't get any more information from them, since all of them seem to cower in fear from the memory.”

All those who were in the chamber are silent, majority of them are in disbelief from the report, but it wasn't the end of it.

“There is also the report from the Parpaldian observer who was on one of the ships that day, the letter he left states.

King Hark, I unfortunately have to say that you have already signed your death warrants, from what I witnessed, the nation of Belka is a much more powerful country than any of us could have imagined. Your kingdom have already antagonized them, I can only wish for the survival of your people if Belka ever wished to invade your lands.

End of letter”

The silence now became unbearable, Hark's expression turns from confusion, to fear, to rage.


Hark throws his mug of wine across the room.


Hark's rage was clear, and everyone in the room was silent, not wanting to have their king's range directed to them, especially knowing what happened to the intelligence officers who were in charge of keeping in contact with the subjugation army.

“First, the subjugation army was obliterated by the Belkans!.. Second, we have been deceived by these Belkans making us we're victorious!.. And now this?!..”

Hark's rage was seemingly pacified by a peasant handing him a goblet of alcohol, when he drank all of it in one swig, the alcohol felt stronger than he remembered.

“Milord, please calm yourself”

The peasant said in a way trying to calm the enraged king while pouring the King another fill of alcohol.

The alcohol soon clouds the thoughts of all who are in the castle's chambers, slowly becoming detached from reality, as ego sets it.

“Besides! These Belkans won't even penetrate our Kingdom's walls!... We are untouchable by those filthy Belkans!”


Same time, Kua Toine

Within the government meeting office, many of the Qua Toinian leadership discussed on their new ally's recent victories.

The successful defense of the City of Gim, The slaughter in the Rodenius Sea, and even the defeat and capture of any Lourian troops that crossed the border.

“We have benefitted so much from the Belkans... From infastructure to even the security of our nation”

“Indeed, these advancements we are receiving from the Belkans is just marvelous ”

“It seems meeting the Belkans is miracle for all of us”

As the senators discussed, a messenger entered the room while carrying a letter and based on the seal it has, it's from the Belkans.

“Pardon my intrusion, I have a request from Belka that I need to deliver”

Prime Minister Kanata ushers the young messenger to proceed with her duty.

“A request from the Belkans?, please read the request”

“As you wish sir!...

On the 30th of August, year 1639. The Belkan Federation is requesting the permission to engage on an invasion of Louria and the deliverance of it's leader King Jin Hark into Qua Toinian custody to atone for his attempted invasion and extermination against Qua Toyne.

The invasion will be conducted on August 31, 1639. The operation will be done by the BNS Alicorn and several additional landing ships, we wish to draw this small conflict to a close by removing the delusional leader of the nation.

....end message.”

Silence dominates the room, the Belkans are requesting permission to put an end to Lourian's aggression despite not even needing permission.

“...Tell me that I'm dreaming ”

“The Belkans are already taking the intiative to end a pointless conflict...”

More murmurs echo through the room till one senator broke it.

“If it's one way for peace, then I'd give permission to the Belkans to proceed”

“I too, agree and give permission to the Belkans to commence”

“To put an end to this conflict, I also agree”

One after another more and more senators go in favor for the Belkans and it became a one sided vote.

Let the Belkans end this.



Guys please forgive me for taking a while and with a slightly subpar chapter. My Schedule is quite a shits show right now so yeah.

I am taking the chance to write atleast 2 or more chapters before Christmas break ends

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