11 0 0

Days felt like months and weeks like years, all feelings slowly slipped out of my conscience, every day is a night and every instance is a mare. The storm will not cease and cold penetrated the holes in the sheets. If hell were on earth it would be no different from my situation, shivering and in great discomfort, I manage to fall asleep every night just as the other boys.

We are beaten out of bed by 4 am into the halls to clean up, then we're forced to help the cooks after which we're sent to the working hall where we are forced to sow sacks, we're only allowed to eat once our work completed, at the slightest mistake we're severely punished by a brother supervising the work. If you're suspected of negative behavior you'll be confined and punished as well. We're not allowed to interact during the day and after the light is out. We eat in silence and live in silence, everyone has his own space and keeps his thoughts to himself.

I have gotten into many troubles but with time and punishment, I have learned to be a better worker being the youngest no mercy was reserved for me. In fact, the brothers all hated me as the news of my character towards the nuns spread like the wind. I'm thoroughly checked and punished, I'm always singled out, and every brother seems to be looking for a mistake I make. The worst of them all is Brother Richard. A heartless pile of thick flesh and a hoarse voice he was a monk who supervised the work, he was always yelling at me at the slightest mistake. He reminds me of old daddy. Every night when I first got here I'll cry myself to sleep silently because I didn't want more trouble.

"What is this huh?!" Richard stands over me and yells. I can feel the muscles in my body tightening as I stare at my work, I forgot to slip the first thread before the second.

"The first won't go through. I have to do the second one first." I lie while still staring at my work.

He scoffs, "Really? Do you think I'm blind?" He lowers his tone dangerously, chills are matching down my spine.

"No sir, the thread won't fit, I'll do it right away after the second one." I can do this all day as long as it keeps me out of trouble.

"I'm watching you." He says with his eyes narrowing at me.

"Yes sir." I return to my work as he matches away, probably going to make trouble with some older kid. I hate every single soul in this orphanage and I wish it would just burn down with Mother Teresa trapped in it.

"Well! One of you has decided to mess up his work." Brother Richard announces a loud SMACK fills the hall as well, "Get up! Garbage!" He yells. The hall goes silent, all machines slowing down to a dead stop.

A lanky boy sits up already shivering, the first strike hits him on the neck and he drops to the ground with a thud, "You're all worthless and we're trying to make your lives better!" He kicks him multiple times punctuating his words. "But you keep behaving like idiots, brainless boys, maybe this is why you have got no parents! We're forced to take your shit every day!" He keeps beating on the boy who is crying out in pain as brother Richard strikes with force, blood is leaking through his nostrils as Richard continues beating him up in a rage, "Useless! Worthless! Piece of Garbage!" The boy is barely hanging on, his eyes are slowly rolling to the back of his skull.

Blood is pumping fast into my body, and I feel an unsettling feeling in my stomach. God, I can't! My feet step up on their own and I find myself standing. "Brother! S-stop!" I quake, “STOP!” I yell the second time with my chest rising and falling with shaky and fearful breaths.

The boys all turn around and so does Richard, I can see the vein on his forehead and neck swell, his eyes are bloodshot and his teeth are bared like a wild dog. His knucks tighten around the stick, which was very thick and large, it could break a bone and it has broken my fingers many times. "What did you say?!" He glares at me with his fist clenching around the rod.

I take a step back, losing all verbal ability and courage. If I don't make a move, he'll definitely send me to my grave. Without a second thought, I’m darting off, breaking one of the golden rules of a confined child: never get away from a guardian, no matter what happens. Running as fast as I can I’m already regretting my decision, and God! He is chasing behind me, he has longer legs! And more strength!

I'm dead! I'm dead! Panic feels my senses, I take a dangerous shortcut, running past a giant pot of milky rice at its highest boiling point, I crawl under the nuns serving breakfast causing small girlish screams and feet bouncing like they were trying to get away from a mouse.

More brothers get involved in the chase, I'll be as good as dead if I'm caught, Richard will break my bones. These thoughts fill my mind and keep me running as fast as my little feet can carry me. I've never run from a problem before knowing well that it will only make it worse and this is the case. I'm in so much trouble! If I was condemned before, I'll be crucified now.

I take a swift turn almost slamming into the other walls. I stagger violently but keep running, my lungs are getting weary but I can't stop, they'll kill me, I must escape, hide, anything but allow Richard to lay a hand on me.

A large staircase reveals to be awaiting next. Then it strikes me.

"Throw yourself down," Elliot says quickly.

"I'll be seriously hurt," I argue.

"Do you prefer to die by your very hands than be murdered by Richard?" He asks.

I don't answer but I know he is right, I'm going to fling myself down the stairs if I die, I don't care, all but to surrender to Richard.

I charge with all my strength, projecting myself vulnerably towards the stairs not even bracing for the fall. Two firm arms snatch me right in the air preventing the fall. Seeing that my plans are in ruin I start to scream and cry hysterically, maybe this will work, maybe I’ll die from screaming so much.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" I keep blurting all over again, feeling a wave of confusion, fear, and anxiety. I'm panting as well, making it hard to get air into my lungs.

I feel five fingers slip under my hair and I start to panic while expecting a firm pull instead the fingers gently rub my scalp which is aching. The touch is very unfamiliar, gentle, and intentional. I manage to look up through the crack of my hand. I'm met with a stare that creeps me out. A strange look of worry, the man is studying my expression while crouching next to me crying against the wall.

I bury my head back in my arms and quiet down to sniff, yet he never stops stroking my scalp which helps to relieve me from the ache. We're both interrupted by a series of hastened steps.

I look up in anguish and soul-consuming fear, sure enough, it is Stephen, my heart leaps and I find myself clinging to this stranger for help.

Staphane's stare hardens at me, "get up." He demands in a calm tone. Of course, I pick the venom in his tone. However, I obey him, breaking the comforting contact between the stranger's hand and my scalp. "Sorry, for the inconvenience and any trouble he might have caused you," Stephanie says in a more friendly tone. I'm surprised, I've never seen him show any positive emotion.

"Apologize, now." Stephan orders me.

"I-i'm sorry, s—"

"No need, I'm glad I helped, preventing—"

I double over with a groan faking pain in my stomach and this stops the stranger and Stephan, he never got to spill my act to the devil himself.

"Let's go," Stephan places a hand on my shoulder firmly, leading me away from the stranger. I obey him as a sheep being led to the slaughterhouse. While walking the halls I reach for my hair trying to provide that feeling of comfort to no avail.

Get ready for the next chapter and be free to encourage me with a vote.

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