Chapter 15

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Eyes of a Warrior

"What were you thinking!?" Erwin asked me

"I can't remember what happened. I just wanted to train" I said to him

We are now back at the Scout's Building. Erwin told me what he saw right after I looked at them when they saw me killed 15 Titans.

"Train? You could've trained in the training room! You're not allowed to be outside the walls all by yourself Brea!" He said angrily

Erwin barely shows emotions, he always have his emotions under control. One of his traits his that he's good at leading men. But for him to be this angry tells me that what happened earlier is something serious that could put my life to it.

"We both know you have questionable strength, and the Scouts knows about that. We don't know where you've got this that's why I advised you to hold back in every training." He said

I looked down trying to remember how it happened. It all happened so fast, even I vividly remembered it. But one thing for sure is that, this strength that's following right through me is what I need to find out. I felt that something came running through my veins and a burst of power and strength helped me easily defeat fifteen titans at the age of 15

"What I saw earlier, it's something that you need to hide from other scout members. Brea, you will be holding your strength back seriously this time. Until we fully know where these abilities came from. I advise you to hold back from fighting" Erwin said seriously, looking into my eyes

"Uhm Erwin..." I called him

He looked at me with questionable eyes

"What did you saw?" I asked him

He sighed and looked at me closely. I'm feeling nervous as to what he was about to say, and with that he said...

"You're eyes. Were glowing."

I heard a knock on my door

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I heard a knock on my door. I didn't bother to open it, suddenly Levi came in. I only looked at him emotionless

"What do you want" I asked him

"You know that Erwin needs to know about this." He stated

"I know that, but it doesn't give you the right to say it to him first, behind my back." I replied

"I know you can handle yourself just fine, Brea. But Kenny is built different. He in his prime defeated hundreds of soldiers. I can't risk it." He said

I looked at him confused. What can't he risk?

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