3:10 To Crazytown

Start from the beginning

That was a good point, but... how do I know he's not already in an alliance with Beth? Or Lindsay?! They were both at fault...

"I'll think about it." I said, and stood up. I only did that, because I knew my dad loved his cues when it came to introducing these challenges. I watched him in slight uncertainty as he narrowed his eyes, and cocked the pistols in his hands. Luckily, I realized that it was only a blank before anybody actually freaked out. He shot the blanks into the air, and everybody either screamed, or flinched in response to this. 

What I mean by that is, Beth screamed and covered her ears, which did, I must admit, bring me some satisfaction, while Harold quickly stood up from his place, and banged his head on the top of the trailer window. "AAAH! CHRIS!" She angrily spoke, furrowing her brows at the both of us, as if it were my fault. "Ow! My cranium..." "Take it eaaasy! Guns are loaded with blanks." He blew some smoke off of the first pistol, directly into Harold's face. He coughed it all away, but Dad wasn't finished.

"Least, I'm pretty sure one of 'em is!" He chuckled, and walked forward, suddenly putting on this random southern accent. "Since there's no beatin' the heat, we're goin' west this week. There's a town meetin' at high noon. Be there, or I'll drive you deadbeats outta town!" Lindsay excitedly stood up, and waved her hand, in hopes of getting an answer to her question. "Ooh, ooh! Chris! If you're driving us out of town, can we go to the mall?!" Me and Dad looked at each other, slightly confused, before returning our glances to Lindsay.

/// Leshawna ///

Multiple interns were applying cosmetics to both Leshawna's hair and skin. She was absolutely sweating in that booth, and she had multiple things to prove so. For once, her hair bobble snapped, revealing that her hair could expand into an afro. "Ugh. Darn humidity!" She noticed one intern looking at her, and folded her arms. "What you think you're lookin' at? Nothing to see here!" She widened her eyes once she heard one of them giggling.

/// End ///

I looked around at the film set for this challenge, quite impressed, for a change. "You really went all out on this one, huh?" I asked, raising a brow at my dad. "Sure did. Ya like it?" "...Eh. I think you've got better ones. You're just trying to surprise me." I shrugged, watching as all the contestants approached, and lined up. Of course, last came Leshawna, and her hairstyle had... 'sufficiently' changed.

Heather giggled at this sight, covering her hand with her palm. This didn't go unnoticed, for Leshawna got up in her face, causing both Beth and Lindsay to back away into Heather. "I'm sorry, do you see something wrong with my hair?!" Duncan split it, and peered over the gap, just to demonstrate the size of it. "Not from where I'm standing!" "Alright, alright. There's nothing wrong with your hair, Leshawna. Let's just get this challenge started."


"Listen up, partners!" Dad started with his accent, but did actually grow tired of it. "In any good western, there are heroes, outlaws, horses, and pretty dames. The hero defeats the outlaw, then rides off into the sunset, on the horse." "What about the pretty dames?" Beth asked, clearly startling my dad to some extent. I put my hands on my hips, and tilted my head. "You've seriously never watched a western before? That's just sad." Dad joined in on this, getting up in Beth's face all of a sudden. "Of course she hasn't, because it's none of her beeswax!" He then laughed, and ruffled her hair. "Just messing with ya! They usually hang out in the saloon during the bar brawl."

Harold perked up at his words. Obviously, he had some kind of hyperfixation on karate, or something. "Bar brawl? Cool!" He then proceeded to punch the air and jump around several times, each time going 'hyah' like some kind of fighter. Nine times, to be exact... Both Duncan and Leshawna found this incredibly strange, but only Duncan acted on it. He stuck his foot out, and Harold tripped over nearly straight away, flailing his arms about like some idiot. Of course, that didn't do anything to stop him landing directly into the water trough.

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