A New Collection

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AUTHOR's NOTE: Special thanks to my friend Chi who came up with the theme and inspiration for this chapter. Enjoy!

Riftan and Maxi sat together by the warm dwindling fire in their chambers.

Maxi worked on a small craft for the baby's room and Riftan inspected his armor but was often distracted by the cats who sought his attention.

It was a peaceful but chilly day and Maxi had asked that he stay inside and rest. Riftan of course couldn't refuse her and had enjoyed a relaxing afternoon spending time with his wife, happily tending to her every need as she was heavy with child, due to arrive any day now.

A small knock at the door broke the tranquil silence that had fallen over the room.

Maxi smiled warmly knowing that the soft knocks could only be from two people, her son or her daughter.

"Come in," Maxi calls sweetly.

The door opens slowly and their gazes drop to see a tiny figure step into the room.

"Hello Victoria," her mother said. "What have you been up to?"

"Andrew and I have been playing games in the garden." the little girl said cheerily. "He's still outside but I needed to come inside for a moment."

The girl stood a few paces away from her parents holding her hands behind her back, clearly hiding something.

Maxi glanced over to Riftan who was gazing fondly at their daughter with pride. Proud of her curious and adventurous mind. Let her be curious and carefree for as long as she can. He had been forced to grow up quickly working in the smith shop and he wanted his children to cherish their childhoods, one he had never had.

"Did you find anything interesting in the garden?" Riftan asked, watching the child shift from foot to foot with excitement.

"I did!" Victoria squealed gleefully.

She raced forward towards her mother and held out her little hand proudly. Maxi held out her hands to receive the small gift that her daughter had brought.

Several small hard pebbles in a variety of hues of red and brown and gray fell into Maxi's hands as her daughter let go of the items she had found.

"They're beautiful," Maxi said as she smiled warmly at her daughter. "I'll add it to my collection."

Victoria squealed with glee. She was proud beyond words that her mother cherished each of the treasures she had brought to her.

Riftan sat quietly, as he watched the precious moment unfold before him. He couldn't help the quiet smile that slowly formed on his lips.

Victoria had brought Maxi lots of treasures as of late. Last week she brought her mother a tiny handful of flowers, and the week before she brought her acorns from the oak tree.

She's just like you Maxi.

Riftan leaned back in his chair as he thought back to when Maxi was a young girl, lonely but content collecting different colored pebbles and stones as she wandered around the gardens of the Duke's estate. He frowned as he relented how quickly that happy little girl became withdrawn due to her father's cruelty that the rest of the world was left unaware of for many years.

He was drawn out of his thoughts as he teetered on the edge of darker memories, by another happy yelp from his beloved child.

Victoria quieted down when she felt her father's eyes watching her intently. She turned and gave him a bright smile that could rival the very sun and stars.

Riftan smiled back at her before clearing his throat.

"And where's my gift, sunflower?" Riftan asked teasingly.

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