Chapter 2

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"Ponyboy? What happened?!!"

Cherry and Marsha rush forward looking at my face and glaring at their boyfriends 

"It's nothing Cherry, just go into a fight with my brother is all, and Bob is letting me stay the night." I tell them, swaying on my feet. I'm so tired. I see Cherry shoot Bob a look, But I'm to tired to care. 

"Marsha" Cherry says, "Can you bring Ponyboy to bed? I need to talk to Bob" 

"Sure thing, C'mon Pony" Marsha says, beckoning me up the stairs and towards one of the many rooms in the house. Seriously, how many rooms does one house need, they have three floors! Walking into the one of the rooms, she leads me to the bed and tells me to lay down. 

"I know we don't know each other well, but Cherry and I really do care about you, nearly had a heart attack when we saw your face all bruised up." Marsha says with a small chuckle, standing near the foot of the bed. 

"My brother and I always fight, but he's never hit me before, I got scared and ran away for the night. Bob and Randy found me at the park and let me come stay for a few hours." I decided not to tell her about the events that happened before hand. 

"I'm sorry that happened Ponyboy" She says, before walking to the door "we'll wake you up in a few hours. Sleep well." And the door closes, as did my eyes.

"Wake up kid, we've missed first and second period, if we leave soon we make it before third starts." Randy shakes me awake. I shoot up

"Darrys gonna kill me!" I say, part if me meaning it. He gives me a look.

"well hurry up so you won't be in even more trouble, we are leaving now." He says walking out of the room. I rush after him, seeing Bob, Cherry and Marsha already in the car. 

Time skip to end of school

"PONYBOY CURTIS" a voice shouts out from the parking lot. Steve comes stomping up towards me, with Two Bit in tow grinning. "We're the hell you been kid? huh? made Soda damn near hysterical this morning wondering where his kid brothers run off to all night!" he scolds, smacking me upside the head. Two Bit beside him pipped up "Darry even stayed home today, Golly boy are you deep shit when you get home"

"I was staying with a friend, thats all" I tell them, rubbing my head. 

"Oh really? who?" steve argues

"It's really none of your business" I mumble, earning another smack to my head. Ouch. He looks really mad now. 

"Alright, well kiddo, lets get you back home now, the rest of the gang should be there too" Two Bit swings an arm around my shoulders, leading us to the car and hoping in. Oh joy.

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