Chapter 2

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After chatting with Genie for a while, we worked on my speech for the coronation, and then we took a walk on the beach. When we got back to the palace, Genie left, and my parents were waiting at the door, looking upset.

"Janna, where were you? You were out for four hours!" my mom exclaimed.

"I was out for two and a half hours, and the other two hours, I was working on my speech with Genie so you wouldn't be on my case," I retorted, feeling irritated. The pressure my mom puts on me, considering her own past with my granddad, sickens me.

"Hey, you do not talk to your mother like that!"

"Well, it's not like I wasn't doing anything important. You two make me so mad; I'm done talking to you. Have a good night," I yelled as I stormed off to my room.

I paced around, completely stressed out thanks to my mom. To clear my mind, I decided to head down to the pool. I put on my favorite swimsuit, a red bikini with gold accents, and a matching sarong. My mom rarely lets me wear it outside the palace, not that she lets me leave much anyway. Whenever I order anything from the royal tailors, she always reminds me that "princesses should never show off skin." When I'm queen, I'll wear whatever I want, including swimsuits.

At the pool, the first thing I noticed was Genie sitting in the hot tub. As I walked over to join him, my mind wandered, and I couldn't help but start thinking about how insanely attractive he is in his human form. Even below the water, his toned body is obvious. His hair hangs in dark loose curls, and his tanned skin compliments his bright green eyes. I know we're only friends and nothing more, but admiring doesn't hurt. We would never work out anyway.

"Hey," I said as I eased into the water. I might have been imagining it, but it seemed like he glanced at my bathing suit before he answered.

"Hey. Were you able to convince your mom?" I know he's two thousand years old, but it feels like he's my age. Just a normal seventeen-year-old guy.

"What do you think? Jasmine, queen of Agrabah, is the most stubborn woman I've ever met. It would be easier to convince Jafar." I try to ignore the butterflies in my stomach when he laughs. He has an amazing laugh.

"It's okay. She'll come around eventually," he says, wrapping his arm around me. More butterflies appear, and I really hope he can't feel how fast my heart is beating.

"She'd come around faster with a little genie magic," I say in my best convincing voice. He only frowns at me. "It would make me feel soooo much better. Please?"

I don't think my puppy eyes would work on him, but it's worth a try.

"No way, princess. For one, your parents would kill me, and secondly, I'm not even supposed to use my powers anymore. Remember?"

I try to hide my disappointment, but I know it's obvious from the hurt look on his face. As much as I want to use his powers, I would never want to get him in trouble. Out of all people, I understand fearing my parents' anger. Especially my mom's.

He pulls me closer. "Did anybody ever tell you that you have the most beautiful eyes? I don't know many people who can pull off the puppy dog look," he says with a stupid sexy smirk on his face. I really want to kiss him right now. Instead, I giggle like an idiot as my tanned face turns bright red.

"Thank you for always being there for me." I tilt my head to look into his eyes. They're as bright as emeralds, but shine way more. "It really means a lot."

"Of course, princess. I'm always here for you. No matter what." Our faces are so close right now. But still not close enough. It's taking every ounce of self-control in my body to not close the gap.

It should be awkward, being held closer than I've ever been held before. Staring at each other, hearing nothing but the sound of our breathing. But the only thing I feel is safe. Like this is exactly where I'm supposed to be. I never want to leave.

He tucks my hair behind my ear, and without thinking, I lean into his hand as it trails down my neck. The only thing I can think about is the idea that he might want me as much as I want him. With just one movement, our lips would be touching. For a split second, all common sense leaves my body, and I lean in to kiss him. I could've sworn he leaned in too. Just before we meet, I turn away out of embarrassment. It can never happen.

"Sorry," I stammered, extremely embarrassed. 

"Don't be, I'm not," He said, turning my head to face him with a shocked expression on my face. 

"You're not?"

"No, I've liked you for so long. You are funny, sweet, understanding...beautiful. I don't think we can just be friends; I would really like to be more than that." I felt so relieved. 

"I feel the same way," I admitted, and he kisses me. A jolt of electricity goes through my body when our lips meet, and I feel awake. It felt sweet and gentle at first but then it got deeper, more needy. Like he actually wanted me, just me. It was the most amazing first kiss ever, the kind that makes you forget where you are and who you are and everything other than this moment. 

The kind that makes you forget that you have Jasmine for a mother.

"Janna!" The sudden sound made me jump away from Genie, my cheeks flushed and my lips swollen. I prayed that she wouldn't notice.

The door slid open, revealing my mom's presence. "There you are—oh, hello, Genie. I didn't realize you were out here."

"Hello, Jasmine," Genie greeted with a friendly smile.

"Janna, I need you inside to try on some dresses. Please hurry, I will be in your room waiting," my mom instructed, her tone a mix of impatience and expectation.

"Okay, bye, Genie," I said, waving goodbye as I reluctantly tore myself away from the pool and headed upstairs.

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