Just as she said that, her last name was called by the resident. "Ledger, O'Malley, Yang, Grey, Stevens and Duquette." Just her luck. She was stuck with O'Malley and her annoying hook-up. How much lower could her day go?

"Where is this chick?" Florence asked the dude who merely pointed down the end of the hallway before directing his attention somewhere more important. 

Cristina furrowed her eyebrows in confusion before asking, "That's the Nazi?" 

"I thought the Nazi would be a guy." Alec spoke up, following Florence around like a lost puppy. 

"I thought the Nazi would be... a Nazi." Grey added on as the group continued to make their way down the hallway to their new resident. 

"Maybe it's professional jealousy." Sunshine and rainbows came up on the side, slightly out of breath making Florence roll her optics to the back of her head. "Maybe she's brilliant and they call her the Nazi because they're jealous. Maybe she's nice?"

Cristina looked over at Florence before saying, "Let me guess - you're the model."

Florence looked to her left smirked at her new friend. "Called it, Yang."

The blonde rolled her eyes at the two before turning around and putting her hand out for the Nazi to shake. "Hi, I'm Isobel Stevens, but everyone calls me Izzie."

Their resident did not look amused, only merely looking at the hand placed in front of her before speaking, "I have five rules, memorize them. Rule number one - don't bother sucking up. I  already hate you, that's not gonna change.

"Trauma protocols, phone lists, pagers - nurses will page you. You will answer every page at a run, a run! That's rule number two." Bailey continued as the interns quickly grabbed their pagers in a scramble before following their resident who was quick down the hall. 

"Your first shift starts now and lasts forty-eight hours. You're interns, grunts, nobodies, you're at the bottom of the surgical food chain. You run labs, write orders, work every second night until you drop - and don't complain.

"On-call rooms, attendings like to hog them. Sleep when you can, where you can, which brings me to rule number three. If I'm sleeping, don't wake me, unless the patient is actually dying. Rule number four - the dying patient better not be dead when I get there. Not only will you have killed someone, you would have woken me for no good reason. We clear?"

Grey was the first to raise her hand. "You said five rules, that was only four." 

Suddenly Bailey's pager rang and she looked at it before pushing her group of interns out of the way. "Rule number five - When I move, you move." And she was running faster than Florence could blink. 

Getting surgical gloves on before getting a gurney, Bailey led her interns up to the helicopter pad where an incoming helicopter was approaching - presumably with a patient in it. "What do we got?" Was the first words out of the residents mouth.

The paramedic was quick to respond, "Katie Bryce - fifteen year old, female, new on-set seizures.  Intermittent for the past week. IV lost en-route. Started grand mal seizing as we descended." 

Making their way inside, the group of doctors were quick to get the patient into a room. "Alright, get her on her side." Bailey ordered her interns around. "Izzie, ten milligrams diazepam IM." She then looked over to Grey to see what she was doing was completely wrong. "No, no. The white lead is on the right. Righty, whitey. Smoke over fire." 

Then she looked over to George and before she could protest, Florence stepped up. "You need to use a large bore IV, O'Malley, what's the matter with you?" And that sent the male stumbling backwards in embarrassment. 

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