chapter seven.

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( JEALOUSY, JEALOUSY ) , the self-destruct button.

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 ALARMS WERE BLARING. Two of them to be exact - her pager and her alarm clock. Florence didn't like the sudden loud noise and quickly got up from her bed, turning off her alarm clock, which in the process pushed the arm over her waist off of her, and checking her pager. 

"Hey," Derek groaned from beside Florence, "Come back here," 

Shoving the male off, because let's face it, Florence loved her personal space, the girl groaned in protest. "You have to get up. We have to get up." 

"Oh my god," His eyes adjusted to the light pouring into her bedroom. "What time is it?" 

"It's five in the morning, and I have prerounds." Florence told him before getting up off the bed, her naked body exposed, and making her way over to the bathroom but not before turning around, smirking and asking, "You coming?" 

Lucy Jones got no sleep last night. Not with Florence and Derek up all night long doing it god knows how many times. She stopped counting after a while. So, after deciding they were not going to stop anytime soon, she took the extra ten minute drive back to Meredith's house and passed out on the couch - not even having the energy to make it up to her room. 

"Lucy!" Izzie shouted at the female, trying to wake up the girl. The blonde was starting to think she was dead. "What are you doing down here?"

Turning her head so her face was dove into the pillow, her words were muffled as she spoke, "Florence had a friend over."

"Oh," Izzie nodded but quickly realized what the brunette meant and cringed. "Oh, sorry." 

"She could have oiled the bedsprings as a courtesy or buy a padded headboard, but no." The brunette complained, taking the cup of coffee from Izzie, sipping it lightly. 

"So, who's the guy?" Alec asked, who had himself spent the night while him and Izzie stayed up reading magazines together. And to be clear, he was not jealous. Florence could sleep with whomever she wanted - he didn't care.

Lucy scoffed a laugh, "You'd think it wasn't just the one guy doing all the work." But she knew - and it was just one guy. 

"Do you mind if I don't think about that," Alec cringed in disgust as he made his way to the kitchen.

"Oh, jealous?" Izzie smirked as she called out to her friend. "Because I am. I need to get some - and quick. But think of it this way, Luce." The blonde sat next to her, taking her cup of coffee back. "Florence will have the longest day at work."

"Yeah," The brunette nodded, rubbing a hand over her head. "I guess." 

"Hey, this is just an idea but I've noticed Florence has been scrubbing in on a lot more of Shepherd's surgeries." It was no secret that Izzie liked to gossip to fill a void that she had in her life. "Like that Parkinson's patient - apparently she was dropped and then immediately put back in-"

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