Chapter 2

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Fitz grumbled as he held onto the strap of his bag as his brain was not cooperating with him.
Mostly because he was distracted. Both by the thought of Dex and what happened earlier and because of Keefe, who was behind him, following him through the halls and blowing at his hair.

Fitz scowled as he stopped and turned around to face Keefe, glaring at him.
"Will you quit it?!" Fitz snapped.
Keefe grinned as he raised his hands in defense.
"Woah~ relax Fitzy!" Keefe exclaimed.
"I'm just confused why you haven't light-leapt home yet."
Keefe looked at Fitz and Fitz seemed to blink. Fitz sighed as he ran his fingers through his hair.
"... Right... light-leaping..." Fitz mumbled.
Keefe furrowed his eyebrows and he sighed as he wrapped his arm around Fitz.

"You wanna talk about it?" Keefe asked, leaning in closer to Fitz.
Fitz looked at Keefe and seen the worry in his best friend's eyes.
"I'm fine." Fitz said, shrugging Keefe's arm off.
"I just-"
"Sure you're fine! C'mon! I'll take you to the field we always ran away to!"
Keefe smiled at Fitz.
Fitz couldn't help but smile slightly.
Whenever Keefe or Fitz were worried or upset about something, they'd always go to this field. Either together, or alone. Even if they went alone, usually the other would find them in the field and just hang out with them until everything was okay.
"Fine, let's go."


Fitz sighed as he sat down, leaning against a tree that was in the field and Keefe sat down next to him.
Keefe sighed as the wind blew in his hair and shut his eyes gently.
"Man, it's been a while..." Keefe said.
"Mmh... It has." Fitz said, looking out into the view of the landscape.

Fitz felt his thoughts fade away and he sighed softly. He was about to shut his eyes before the imagine of the flushed Technopath appeared in his head again, causing Fitz to sit up and clear his throat.
Keefe opened one eye and looked at Fitz, furrowing his eyebrows.

"I wonder who my dear Fitz is in love with now." Keefe said, shuffling in his position, leaning further down against the tree, practically laying on the grass as he raised his arms and rested his hands behind his head.
He looked away from Fitz again and shut his eye once more.
"Excuse me?!" Fitz scowled, looking at Keefe, feeling his cheeks warm up.
Keefe smiled, still not looking at his best friend. The emotions which radiated off of Fitz were... interesting.

"Haha, you're usually sharp." Keefe said, smirking.
"Your usually feeling smug, confident and usually your expression shows how high you think of yourself and yet, ever since lunch whenever I've caught glimpses of you in the halls heading to your next class, I've noticed a confused look on your face and emotions of weirdness and also... flutteriness. "

Fitz stared at Keefe, who began to hum a tune to himself, relaxing as he spoke so calmly and smugly himself.
"I'm not in love with someone." Fitz said.
"Really now?" Keefe asked, opening his eyes and facing Fitz.
"A girl hasn't caught your eye? I mean, I've seen how you've been acting with that one girl in our year... what's her name...?"
Fitz knew who Keefe was on about and scowled.
"She's annoying. I only act friendly to not ruin my reputation. To not ruin the Vacker reputation." Fitz huffed.

Keefe groaned.
"Ugh, there you go again! 'But Keefe, the Vacker reputation was ruined because of Alvar a while ago! I can't ruin it myself! I need to be better! I need to be Mr. Perfect all the time!' Honestly Fitz, shut up." Keefe scowled.
"Nobody is perfect and if you act a little rude towards a girl one time, it will not ruin your reputation, or the Vacker reputation."

Keefe glared at Fitz and Fitz felt his chest become heavy with anger as he glared back at Keefe, his nose scrunching up.
Keefe scoffed, laughing slightly as he shook his head.
He took his hand and tapped the tip of Fitz's nose.

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