Chapter 1

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Ever since I turned thirteen, the dream of finding my one true love has been a constant in my mind. Now at seventeen, I haven't even had a boyfriend. It's weird, being the princess and the daughter of Aladdin and Jasmine; it seems like people might be hesitant to break your heart.

As I lay in bed, I thought to myself, "Today is the day." I say that every day, but there's always hope. Getting out of bed, I started to get ready. While picking out my outfit for the day, my grandfather knocked on the door.

"Good morning, Janna. Your mother and father are waiting in the dining hall for you," he said.

"Thank you, Grandpa."

Heading downstairs, I found my parents having their fancy breakfast, which looked delicious, but I usually prefer to sleep in instead of eating breakfast. My mom makes sure that the chef only makes breakfast at a certain time, probably to motivate me to get up earlier. The only thing it's done is make me not eat breakfast.

"Janna, I'm glad you're here. Your father and I need to talk to you about something," my mother said in her regal voice. "As you know, you'll be crowned queen next month, and it's the law that you must be married to be queen. So, I'm excited to say that there will be ten princes coming here as suitors!"

When my dad hears this, he cringes because he believes that a person needs to find their own true love. "Oh, that's cool, I guess," I say, not really excited because I didn't know these guys. I talk about finding true love, but I want to do it on my own terms.

"Well, I thought you would be more excited than that."

"Oh, come on, Jasmine. Do you seriously want to pick out her husband instead of letting her find her own match?"

"Yes, if I don't, who will?" she says defensively.

"I appreciate it, Mom, but I don't even know these guys. What if they are total assholes?"

"Watch your language, young lady. Princesses do not curse," she says, pretty mad.

"Well, she's not wrong. Remember that one prince who was snobby, and Raja tore off his pants? You hated him and all the other princes because you knew you would never truly love them. And you want to put our daughter through that?" my dad said, making a lot of sense to me. Somehow he wasn't getting through to my mom though.

"Of course not. We are getting old, and we need new rulers."

"I don't care! Janna will find her own husband—"

"Okay, you two figure this out. I am going back upstairs."

When I got back into my room, I sat on my bed and cried. I wanted to find my own true love, but I didn't want to disappoint my mother, and there was already so much pressure on me to become queen. As I continued to cry, Genie popped up at my window.

"Hey, princess, why are you crying?" he said, sounding pretty concerned.

"Well, for starters, my mom is having ten princes from other kingdoms come here and be my 'suitors,' and I don't feel ready to become queen."

Genie has been in my life for as long as I can remember. I feel like I can talk to him about things I could never talk to my parents about. He may be two thousand years old, but he's a genie, and I don't think age matters when you are a genie.

"Well, I am always here for you, and I think you are going to make a great queen."

"Thank you, Genie," I say as I hug him.

Finding Love- Kingdom of Fairytales #1Where stories live. Discover now